By Marcus O’Neill MSc RD
Even in Egypt, it’s generally pretty easy to get any type of fruit or vegetable you want at any time of year. However, there’s something to be said for eating produce when it’s at its...
A New Breath of Life
Kundalini Yoga Revealed by an Adept
By Hilary Diack
Seva Simran Kaur, also known as Sara Campbell, started Kundalini Yoga over 12 years ago in response to stress-related digestive problems. It transformed her health and her life...
Egyptian Film Takes on Supernatural Powers
Interviewed by Shorouk Abbas & Lydia Schoonderbeek
Here is a secret about meeting a celebrity: As much fun as the mystery surrounding their “real” personality is, the best thing is when you meet a star...
By Emad El-Din Aysha
Loula Zaklama, President and CEO of Rada Research & Public Relations, is a doubly blessed business ‘person’. She was blessed by adversity, losing her father as a young girl and almost losing her husband as a...
After the Night Falls
( Ba3d El Leil )
Commentary through Comic Relief
Review by Lydia Schoonderbeek
The success of his last production staged at the Center for Artistic Creativity (Opera House), set the expectation levels extraordinarily high for director Khaled Galal’s...
The year may be winding down, but there is still plenty of action in store for the month ahead. If you know your rising sign we suggest that you read that as well to get extra insight.
By Maeri...
By Hilary Diack
Are you a square peg trying to fit into a round hole? Are you one of the many people who spend much of their lives struggling to cope with a job that they find unfulfilling and frustrating?...
The Egyptian Roots of Bio Geometry
By Jennifer Wilson
Energy surrounds us. It is both tangible and intangible. The human mind and body may respond to certain energy fields in both negative and positive ways. The ancient Egyptians had an understanding...
Market Overview
Strategically located in 6th of October city with access to all main highways. NEWGIZA as a whole is a fully integrated community situated within a wider area master plan that comprises residential neighborhoods and a golf course, spanning over...