September Stars – 2017


By Maeri Frances


Goodbye to the lazy days of summer and hello to a return to routine and work. The action -packed energy of a Mars trine to Uranus on the 2nd of September will kick start the month in no uncertain terms. The 5th brings a bit of confusion, but just hang in there until the fog lifts. Observe rather than act and you will avoid unnecessary obstacles. Mercury turns back to direct motion then, it won’t be too long before you can pick up on stalled plans and forge ahead.

P.S. Don’t forget, your rising sign plays a big role, so check that out as well if you know it.

September  Birthdays:  Selma Hayek 2nd of September (actress), Keanu Reeves 2nd of September (actor), Beyonce Knowles 4th of September (singer), Idris Elba 6th September (actor),  Khaled El Nabawy 12th September (actor), Hisham Abbas 13th of September (singer), Tom Hardy 15th September (actor), Mustafa Amar 22nd of September (singer and composer), Serena Williams 26th of September (tennis player), Gwyneth Paltrow 27th of September (actress).

Our Birthday Sign:


Put your best foot forward as you start your birthday month. Decisions can be internal, you needn’t broadcast your intentions, but definitely by the 2nd you should be putting them into action. Results may not be apparent until after the 5th when your ruling planet Mercury turns direct, but be patient. After Mercury enters your birth sign on the 10th you should be able to express yourself eloquently, and ideas should be free-flowing. From the 20th you can successfully work on adding a bit of panache to your image, new shoes maybe?


The energy flow on the second of September was made to measure for you. You will be brimming over with energy and enthusiasm, so make the most of it. There could be a few minor delays, but from the 5th things should start to speed up. Fire signs are well supported on the 13th; it is a day when your natural passion is stabilized in a positive way, especially in romantic issues.  The period up until the 18th is especially favorable for getting your love life sorted out, so make the most of it!


Even though your thoughts are very much on the pleasures of life, it will pay to keep an eye on career issues as well. But definitely you are in the mood for fun of all sorts, from hobbies, culture and good dining to sport and dancing. Children can be a source of inspiration, so try to learn a few life lessons from their time management decisions. Your mind should be sharp around the 22nd, and time with fellow earth signs Virgo and Capricorn will be well spent. The last week of the month is not so helpful; so try to tackle anything important before the 24th.


Use the 2nd for getting together with friends, or just simply networking. Ideas will come from all over the place, as well as the enthusiasm to make things a real action plan. Your key to success this month lies partly in how you organize yourself on the domestic front. Home and family matters should be as streamlined as possible to free up time for the other exciting stuff going on. If you are looking for a spot of romance make a note in your calendar to go somewhere special with someone special on the 13th.


The 2nd and 3rd are key dates for financial matters. It could mean an unexpected expense, or a financial opportunity that needs prompt action. The important thing is to deal with it when it arises. By the 15th you should be thankful that you handled things correctly. The 18th also brings good opportunities, and as the month draws to a close you should be feeling a lot more confident about your abilities.


The mood during the first week is definitely energizing, and you should be in full leadership mode. If anyone can step in and take charge, it’s a Leo. It seems that changes need to be implemented, so there is a need to show more flexibility than you normally do. Not to offend you by saying you can sometimes be autocratic or stubborn, of course. From the 5th onwards you will possibly be focused on financial matters. Is there a sweet deal you are getting involved in, or are you just trying the raise cash to pay for the latest electricity bill?


Like it or not, romantic  matters seem to be subject to confusion and hidden agendas.  On the upside though, your friends should be a massive support, so spend time in their company rather than  brooding and fretting by yourself. Indecision is your worst enemy at times like this, so be willing to look facts clearly in the eye and take necessary action. By the last week of the month you should be able to see things a lot more clearly and feel that you are back on the right track. The 27th in particular could be a day to remember.


Don’t get caught snoozing as September kicks off. It will open with everyone up and running, so even if you consider yourself still on holiday, use social activities to network. You may rub up against someone who seem a bit bombastic, just keep your usual cool and see what information they divulge that might come in handy. Things will pick up quickly after Mercury turns direct on the 5th of September, be ready to get down to business, or back to your usual routine as efficiently as possible.


Far-flung destinations and changes in your career path are a possibility this month. Be prepared for whatever comes your way, you need to look on the bright side even though there could be some initial challenges. People from outside your usual milieu could be surprisingly friendly and supportive, so embrace any help with open arms. The way you communicate, both in person and in writing, can make a massive difference in how your profile is seen in the public sphere, so choose your words carefully.


Once you manage to sort out some burdensome financial issues, maybe bills that have accumulated, you should see your path clear to take a late season break somewhere out of town. There should be some great deals available and Capricorn is an expert at sniffing them out. Try to avoid actually travelling on the 24th; it is generally a frustrating day for everyone. Watch out for game-changing information that might come your way around the 22nd. Facts may come to light that put a whole new perspective on your plans.


This is not a month when you feel like immersing yourself in the general buzz of activity. Maybe your batteries are a bit run down from all that summer partying? That’s not to say that you should throw in the towel, there is a lot you can achieve if you plan wisely. Handle any heated discussions during the first week as tactfully as possible, you don’t need to over-react. The 13th is a lovely day for setting relationships in general back on course. Be gracious and accept other people’s point of view as well, and you will feel a lot more comfortable.


Your best course of action this month will be to focus on getting your work routine organized and your health in order. Boring, you say? Be patient, it will pay off when you find yourself looking great, with your routine ticking along nicely, and with the time and energy to enjoy a great boost in personal relationships. Just wait until the month gets under way. Don’t be too sensitive around the 24th though, emotions may be running high and misunderstandings could occur.

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