Your Horoscope in November 2017


By Maeri Frances

Tap into your intuition this November, but with loquacious Mercury entering Sagittarius you may need to think twice before voicing your perceptions. Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio this month will bring new meaning to the word ‘allure’.  Keep clothes that make a powerful statement to the front of your wardrobe, even your oldest jeans can deliver the message when you wear them the right way. The mood set by a trine by Saturn to Uranus gives potential for change, but it is restrained by the status quo. Bear that in mind if things seem to be moving too slowly. Don’t forget, your rising sign plays a big role, so check that out as well if you know it.

November Birthdays:  Emma Stone 6th of November (actress), Lorde 7th of November (singer), Leonardo Di Caprio 11th of November (actor), Ryan Gosling 12th of November (actor), Dr Magdi Yacoub 16th of November (heart surgeon and philanthropist), Mona Zaki  18th of November (actress), Ahmed Helmi 18th of November (actor), Miley Cyrus 23rd of November (singer).


If ever there was a month to make your move, this is it. With both Venus and Jupiter raining blessings upon you it seems that you are living a charmed life. Take care of your personal appearance, and invest in some new items for your wardrobe. Just remind yourself that too much of a good thing can be as troublesome as too little. Resist the urge to overindulge, in anything. The kilos can literally pile on before you notice them, and they will be hard to budge.


Romantic relationships could be a bit tumultuous during the first week. Avoid getting drawn into arguments over trivial issues around the 4th, it isn’t worth the headache. After the 7th you may see an improvement in your income, but you will likely be attracted to shopping malls as well. Easy come, easy go. This is a period when you can benefit from looking objectively at your life. What needs to change, what should you hang on to? Saturn and Uranus offer solutions if you can meet the challenge around the 11th.


If a partner or spouse has been having a few financial constraints, this is a month where things can improve. You may also receive benefits of some sort, through sources other rather than your regular employment. Even though the month opens with the Moon in your birth sign, and you want to be primed for action, you need to be patient a little longer. The last week of November will allow you to plan long term.


Is it just a friendship, or is it becoming something a little more committed? That is the question you could be asking yourself during the opening days of November. With a lot of emphasis on your opposing sign, all sorts of relationship issues seem to be on your mind. The time is ripe for partnerships of both a personal and business nature, so get busy! The 12th and 13th look like key dates for meetings and social activities, especially if you have romance in mind.


Agreements, and disagreements, contracts and commitments all figure large in your month ahead. While you love your freedom and plenty of change and variety in your life, the coming period will need you to accept new responsibilities if you are to invest in long term happiness. Opportunities have opened up on the work front so don’t let them slip by, they may not be there forever. Splurge a little on clothes and personal grooming if you can manage it. It will be money well spent.


Your creativity is at a peak this month, so whether you are involved in art, drama, and kids’ activities, or planning to expand your family, the stars are giving you support. Your mood should be upbeat and infectious, making you great company. Work issues can be a little draining, it seems that you need to work on a system where you can handle that and your domestic life as well. If not, your health could suffer.


If you feel like a change of pace from the hectic summer lifestyle, you should think in terms of home comforts. That even goes as far as getting busy in the kitchen and inviting friends for a gourmet dinner. It will bring your circle closer and allow you to extend your renowned hospitality. The 12th and 13th are lovely days with positive energy flowing freely. Exercise caution around the 19th though, it isn’t the best of days for anyone.


The excellent aspects supporting communication, meetings and short distance travel continue this month. On the down side, you may face issues regarding your home and domestic life, as well as a blow to your finances around the 19th.  If you can navigate this successfully the picture should improve by the 21st. If you need to have a face-to-face meeting to ask a favor, pick the 12th or 13th. You are more likely to get a positive result.


The build up to your birthday often comes with a simmering sense of anticipation. This month has an important aspect between Saturn and Uranus that will impact those born in the last week of Sagittarius. These slow-moving planets are in trine position for around a year, so the overall mood is that of a desire for change, but with a need to cling onto the status quo as some sort of security blanket. Don’t feel too comfortable though, that change will come. Avoid taking decisions around the 14th, facts may not be clear and you may feel confused.


Generally speaking, you are getting plenty of planetary support this month. The first week should open up possibilities with a Taurus moon in your 5th house of kids, hobbies, art and romance. The 11th may highlight thoughts you had regarding changes around the home front. Even if it isn’t immediate, the seeds have been sown and sooner or later you will take action. Friendships could become more romantic; you could find casual get-togethers a great place to meet someone if you are single. Lay low on the 19th; it’s a day full of challenges.


If you have been putting in a good effort at work and been a helpful member of your community, this is the month your reputation should be glowing. Even if it doesn’t reach your ears, you have an admiring audience. Around the 11th, you may find that your ideas are finding acceptance, it seems that your ability to see the direction things should go in makes sense to more people. Financial issues should become a lot clearer after the 22nd, but maybe you prefer not see the reality?


This is your kind of month. People finally seem to understand what makes you tick. There could be opportunities for a spot of travel, or at least some gatherings with people from diverse cultures where you can expand your knowledge and meet people whose company you enjoy. Messages may be a bit mixed around the 14th, but by the 16th you should have news that makes your heart beat a little faster, for all the right reasons. By the 21st romantic prospects look really interesting.

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