In the Stars: Your April Horoscopes


Is it a month for celebrating a return to warmer days? Check to see what the stars have in store. Mercury returns to direct motion, but the heavyweights Saturn and Pluto will both go retrograde during April. There could be reversals and slowdowns in global agreements, along with some heavy-handed attitudes that cramp our style a tad. Those whose Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars placements are affected may need to exert patience and forbearance in certain issues. Don’t forget, your rising sign plays a big role, so check that out as well if you know it.

April Birthdays: Russell Crowe (actor) – April 7th,  Kristen Stewart (actress) – April 9th, Saoirse Ronan (actress) – April 12th, Andy Garcia (actor) – April 12th , Adrien Brody (actor) – April 14th, Emma Watson (actress) – April 15th, Emma Thompson (actress) – April 15th, James Franco (actor) – April 19th ,  Jack Nicholson (actor) – April 22nd,  Jessica Alba (actress) – April 28th, Penelope Cruz (actress) – April 28th.

Happy birthday,


You may find yourself juggling professional and domestic life this April. The end result could be that you end up neglecting your health and wellbeing. Take some ‘me’ time when you find the chance. Don’t be April ‘fooled’ on the 1st, keep your wits about you as all may not be what it seems. The first week is tough, but don’t let it get you down, things can only improve. After the 15th Mercury is back on track and supporting your efforts.


Let’s not talk about financial issues, shall we? I mean, who needs the stress. That being said, Pisces can look forward to some fun social activities, a spot of travel, and really enjoyable company. It may not have the romantic undertones that you crave at times, but that will come later. Your natural empathy and sense of humor is a great asset and will see you sought-after as the month gets under way.


There’s a lot of good news for your sign this month as your ruling planet Venus makes herself at home. It may feel as though your birthday has arrived a bit early. Apart from a challenge to your dearly held beliefs around the 2nd of April, you should have plain sailing ahead. A relationship may stabilize around the 7th, then get really amped up by the 11th. The mood continues right through to the 15th, it seems that someone really knows which buttons to push to make you happy.


The pressure is still mounting in your public life, so maybe you need to withdraw from the fray for a while and just enjoy relaxed moments with friends. Reconnect and share the things that brought you together in the first place. Look at the 11th for any special date night, love is definitely in the air. The period up until the 14th is perfect for forging closer bonds with someone special in your life. Things may change in a committed relationship later in the month, be flexible and patient.


The main thing blocking you from an upbeat month is the looming list of bills to be paid. Just when you think you are clearing the deck, more come along. Hey, ho, just knuckle down and do your best. A spot of long distance communication may be a boost for your mood. Even if you can’t afford a long holiday, it is fun to do a spot of virtual travel from time to time. The 14th may bring a watershed moment when your priorities become clear and things fall into place, sort of.


With Venus coursing through your solar 7th house of marriage and partnerships for much of April, your approval rating should be sky high. Make a point of spending as much time as possible with your significant other, and singles should really get out and about to meet new faces. No, that doesn’t mean Facebook. The only niggling annoyance this month could be a health issue. You know the drill, just pop along to your GP for a quick going over. At least it will put your mind at rest.


April may bring on one of those typical Gemini moments. Do you want to hide away and chill, or get out and reinvigorate your social life? Catching up with old friends may be more complicated than you imagined, so try not to delve too enthusiastically into their private life. Take a relaxed approach. From the 7th, unattached Geminis may have a romantic matter simmering on the back burner. Rest assured, the heat may get turned up, but don’t go public, yet.


Locations and people at a distance seem to figure in your month one way or another. It looks as though travel plans or house-guests may be on the agenda. Your popularity is at a high, and you may have a great rapport with anyone born under the sign of Taurus.  Conserve energy as much as possible from mid-month, it could be that you are trying to burn the candle at both ends. Eat well and get that 8 hours of sleep a night.


It appears that last month’s mood may be lingering on. If you have an Aries in your life, or Capricorn, you should use the maximum tact and diplomacy you can muster. They are not in the mood for platitudes or excuses, so either avoid them or shape up, quickly.  If your home is need of a freshen-up, the 14th may bring a windfall or solution out of the blue. It also seems that recent efforts on the financial front are starting to bear fruit.


This month brings its high and lows, so just deploy your usual philosophical attitude and ride it out. Problems can sometimes be self-inflicted and when it comes to careless spending you can plead guilty. You need to think twice this April when diving for the credit card, especially for little luxury indulgences. However there could be someone who bails you out of a tight spot in the nick of time. That famous lucky streak, again. With warmer weather back again and Venus in your solar 6th house your health should be great, so stick to good habits.


There will be no place like home for you this April. Any attempts to travel may end up being more trouble than they are worth. Your enjoyment of work and ability to get results can be balanced with quality chill out time with a good book. Look to the period between the 7th and the 17th for good vibes and good company. You will need to be on the ball when communicating; things may be misconstrued so put it in writing, clearly. Your best time for pushing plans forward is after the 15th.


This may be a month that will stick in your memory for years to come. It’s a combination of both good and challenging stuff, so consider it a test of character on all levels. Kids may be a source of joy and pride, and new skills and hobbies you develop could be a lot of fun. Unattached Capricorns can meet kindred spirits in places of entertainment or sports clubs. With both Saturn and Pluto turning retrograde in your birth sign this month you will need to ensure that your best laid plans don’t start to unravel.

Our monthly horoscopes are brought to you by Maeri Frances, a consulting astrologer with over 30 years’ experience. Exclusive to our publications, we brings tips for each Sun sign on how to avoid the pitfalls and ride the highs of each month.
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