Traits that Make you less attractive

12 Traits that Make You a Less Attractive Person


By: Mariam Elhamy

Have you heard the “It’s not you, it’s me.” yet? Maybe you haven’t but we all know that even though looks can be the initial thing that attracts others but if the personality is BOMB that’s when you really got them! Find out some of the things that might be pushing people away from you in 12 traits that make you less attractive to others.

1. Being too Lazy or Uptight.

Being inflexible and not willing to try anything new.

2. Being All Out there. 

Showing all your cards at once and not keeping any mystery.

3. Being Stingy.

Being cheap often sends off the message that you’re selfish.

4. Being Materialistic.

Liking people for what they have not who they are.Traits that Make you less attractive

5. Lying.

Just. Don’t. Lie.

6. Being a Pessimist. 

Always being negative and rude to people or impatient.

Traits that Make you less attractive

7. Being a Pushover.

Weakness of character, lack of confidence and not having your own opinions or going along with whatever others want. Traits that Make you less attractive

8. Lack of Empathy.

Not listening, not caring, not being supportive and being cold.

9. Being too Clingy. 

Being too attached and ignoring your other passions, interests or career.Traits that Make you less attractive

10. Being too Critical.

Criticizing others too much and judging their every move.

11. Always Looking for a Fight.

Always trying to prove a point so you pick a fight about every little thing.

12. Being Possessive.

Being too jealous and controlling.Traits that Make you less attractive


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