Sheraton Cairo Hotel and Casino gladly donates female uniform to Baheya foundation
as part of the corporate social responsibility and in support of strong Egyptian women.
Sheraton Cairo Hotel & Casino’s Women Council, headed by Mona Raslan, went to
Baheya foundation El Haram branch on Wednesday 24 August 2022 to deliver the
uniforms and were welcomed by Rasha Mohamed, Baheya Boutique Manager.
Rasha Mohamed cheerfully welcomed Sheraton Cairo Hotel & Casino’s team upon
arrival to the hospital. A full presentation about the Foundation’s history, objectives and
activities was given by Nahed El Saady, a PR representative from Baheya and a breast
cancer fighter. El Saady then took the team on a tour to showcase how the foundation
operates. During the tour, Sheraton Cairo Hotel and Casino team met Dr. Hend
Abdelfattah who went through the procedures of how the patient begins her recovery
journey. Dr. Mariam Yaqob, head of Physiotherapy, met the team and explained the
importance of post-surgery physiotherapy then Dr. Islam Tarek explained the role of
radiation therapy.
Baheya Boutique is one of the activities held by the Foundation raise the moral of their
fighters and bring happiness to their hearts. The boutique gives a full shopping
experience with a beautiful display allowing fighters to shop fancy fashionable items
without any money involved. The boutique offers male, female and kids clothes so the
fighters can shop for themselves or their beloved ones.
After the tour and as a last stop for the visit, an interview with Mona Raslan was done in
which she spoke about the Sheraton Women Council initiatives and the hotel’s interest
in supporting female organizations.