The Origins of Valentine’s Day: What You Probably Didn’t Know

It’s that time of year again and romance is in the air. Valentine’s Day, the 14th of February to be exact. Lots of people still celebrate this tradition religiously as it reminds them to show love and appreciation for others. Origins of Valentine’s Day

However, very few people know the origins of this great holiday. Legend has it all starting with a Christian priest by the name of Valentine, back in the 3rd century. This man had defied his emperor’s strict orders to keep his soldiers from getting married and having their marriages serve as distractions, which would logically weaken the army’s focus and power. Origins of Valentine’s Day

Other accounts state that this was done since husbands were relieved from all combative duties. However, the priest started to conduct wedding ceremonies in secret, incurring the wrath of the emperor which ultimately led to his jail sentence.

So, couples would pass by his cell and leave him tokens of appreciation which ranged from flowers, warm greetings, and letters. Shortly after, the emperor decreed his execution and Valentine lived in misery and could not escape jail. His only relief came from treating fellow prisoners for any ailments and illnesses.

He also experienced happiness when he saw the jailer’s blind daughter. Needless to say, Saint Valentine fell deeply in love with her and legend has it that he managed to restore her sight before he died. Origins of Valentine’s Day

So, after the emperor had set his execution date to the 14th of February in the year 270 AD, he wrote a letter to the young woman which ended with “From Your Valentine”. The Feast of Saint Valentine was established by Pope Gelasius I in 496 AD to be celebrated on February 14th each year in his honor, commemorating his efforts in the name of love.

Origins of Valentine’s DayDespite the early origins of the tradition, it wasn’t until the 14th and 15th centuries that the date became associated with romantic love in a more widespread way, with the custom of giving flowers, romantic gifts and cards growing steadily throughout the following years. A tradition that came from the 3rd century and long may it continue.

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