November Stars – 2019


By Maeri Frances

Yup, it’s Mercury retrograde season again. You know the drill. Back up computers, service the car, double check before you press send. All that stuff.  Remember, this is the right time to review and refine your existing plans and iron out any creases. Launching new ventures can wait until after the 20th.

P.S. Don’t forget to read your rising sign as well if you know it.

Happy birthday, Scorpio!

November in a Nutshell: Maintain your cool… if you can.

Pressure could gradually build up from the 5th onwards. Something or somebody may be pushing you to the brink, but losing composure is not really your thing. By the 19th you may be ready to be your most assertive self, and heaven help anyone who dares to cross you. Things go more smoothly after the 20th when Mercury goes direct again.


November in a Nutshell: Keep juggling and don’t drop the balls.

Get ready for a spot of conflict in your work/home balance around the 5th. Try not pull your partner into the fray as well. Who needs the agro! A break out of town could work wonders on the weekend of the 8th and 9th. Seek inspiration and sort out your priorities close to nature.


November in a Nutshell: Don’t let people get under your skin.

As the month kicks off you may wonder why people around you seem so edgy. The mood builds up and by the time Mars blusters his way into your opposite sign of Scorpio on the 19th you will need to find ways to neatly sidestep confrontation. Actually, it could be perfect timing for a quick trip out of town as the month draws to a close.


November in a Nutshell: Keep ‘em busy so you can chill a little…

There is a lot going on around you this month, a veritable whirlwind. With your ruling planet Mercury once again in retrograde until the 20th in your house of routine and work you would be best served by focusing on the day to day grind to avoid costly errors. Easier said than done, with so many juicy distractions, but at least make a solid effort.


November in a Nutshell: Stress!

You may feel things piling up, with work, relationships and family all vying for your attention. The period around the 5th is particularly touchy, especially if you are in contact with Aries, Libra or Capricorns. Burn off tension and stress by amping up your physical activity after the 20th. A good punching bag works wonders.


November in a Nutshell:  Things get busy around the home front!

Family matters jump into the picture in a new way. This could trigger a burst of activity around the home, with some work being done quickly. Try to be patient with family members, even when things face delays or conflict with your personal preferences. Curb your sharp tongue!


November in a Nutshell: Money, money, money?

Expect to have a busy month, with most of your energy directed towards generating additional income.  The first week could be a headache as bills come rolling in, so be as organized as you can. It will be easy to overlook details with Mercury retrograde fusing your little grey cells. The last ten days of November promise some relief.


November in a Nutshell: Things can only get better.

The early days of November could challenge you on multiple levels. Things you say could be taken the wrong way, and tiffs could arise out of the blue. In short, the less you say, or write, the better. Your best course of action is to keep your head down, your opinions to yourself and get on with what has to be done. Boring? Maybe, but safer…


November in a Nutshell: Let’s keep things upbeat

You don’t always let your deeper, more philosophical side shine through, and although you can be seen as bit heartless at times, this month you need to support your buddies. Your particular brand of wisdom may seem a little ‘one size fits all’ but this month a few kind words of any sort will help to lift spirits. By month’s end you should feel great.


November in a Nutshell: Step by step…

Frustrating as it may seem, you need to take things at a measured pace. You may find that people let you down, especially during the first three weeks. Double check arrangements, revise details, and maybe just lower your expectations a tad. By the 26th you should have reason to feel more optimistic, when lovely Venus starts to transit your birth sign.


November in a Nutshell: Keep your inner rebel under control

If ever there was a month to toe the line and watch your manners, this is it. That means playing the role you are paid for, no matter how frustrating it seems at times. No, not to the point where you lose sight of your personal values, just enough to slide through sticky situations. Got it?


November in a Nutshell: Dream a little dream…

It’s only a matter of days now until your ruling planet Neptune turns into direct motion in your birth sign. This could herald a period where more and more people come to value the more spiritual element of life, the need to reach out and help, showing empathy and understanding. Pisces feels right at home with this, it resonates with your soft heart.

Our monthly horoscopes are brought to you by Maeri Frances, a consulting astrologer with over 30 years’ experience. Exclusive to our publications, we brings tips for each Sun sign on how to avoid the pitfalls and ride the highs of each month.

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