
Cycladic Charm in Mokattam By Hilary Diack Contact information Opening hours: 9:00 am to midnight Address: El Mokattam, 11571 Cairo Tel: 0112 909 9889 Facebook: Santorini Egypt Missed out on a holiday in Greece this year? Dry your tears and head across to Cairo’s great new addition to the...


Name of Venue: Eat and Barrel Star Quality: Unique location, perfectly designed space, varying day to night mood and array of dishes make it the place to be this summer! Opening hours: 2pm to 1am (but planning to open soon for...

The Origins behind

Mother’s Day & a Delicious Seafood Risotto to Celebrate it.    By Crave   Before all the presents, flowers and lunches dedicated to the most precious female figure in our lives started happening, Mother’s Day started out in the U.S.A as a...

Mona Zaki

on Film, Motherhood & Life By Francesca Sullivan Like many movie stars, Mona Zaki’s substantial presence on screen is counterpoint to her physical reality. In person she is small and slight, and although she will hit forty next year, still decidedly...

Your March Stars

By Maeri Frances   March. A time for blustery winds, changeable conditions, and hopefully, a few rays of sun peeking through the clouds. Does this portend a rough ride for us astrologically as well? Fasten your seatbelts, let’s see what the...

Your Astro-Kid

What do the Sun Signs say? It’s not easy being a mom or dad. Every child is a unique, and sometimes a confusing mix of joy, contradictions and questions. So where do you start? When we study a child's astrological chart,...
Springboard Helps Students Make the Right Choice By Hilary Diack How many parents have children coming to the end of their school years, yet without any clear idea of what future career they plan to go for? There are so many...
The Key to the Right Education By Leila Khalil Study, more study, fees and more fees. Ask both students and parents what memories linger most about those crucial years before heading off to university. It is the investment of time and...
Looking at the FAQs By Maggie Balbaa   High pressure lifestyles can leave us exhausted and confused. Yes, we can become more holistic, improve our diet, get more exercise, but sometimes that isn’t enough. That’s where the role of a lifestyle coach...