Your March Stars


By Maeri Frances


March. A time for blustery winds, changeable conditions, and hopefully, a few rays of sun peeking through the clouds. Does this portend a rough ride for us astrologically as well? Fasten your seatbelts, let’s see what the month has in store. Again, if you know your rising sign, read that for extra insight.

On the up-side, Mercury is now forging ahead in direct motion. So, we can heave a collective sigh of relief as we try and untangle ourselves from the mess that February left many of us in. The 3rd and 4th of March are days when everyone should ‘make hay while the sun shines’, Jupiter and Uranus in great aspect with each other can open up opportunities in a sudden and unexpected way. But the trend doesn’t last for ever!

Periods to approach with a degree of caution are around the 11th and 12th of March, as well as the 16th and 17th. External events may mean a re-think of things, so why not plan your timetable to be flexible on those dates.



21 March –20 April

Last month’s romantic focus flows through into the first week of March. Let’s face it, your charm is at its highest around the 3rd and 4th, use it to full advantage. The 8th could bring a lover’s tiff or misunderstanding with someone close to you, so take care that you don’t allow tension to build up, particularly around the 11th, 12th and 17th. Your ruling planet Mars is making you even more feisty than usual, try not to appear aggressive. Assertive is OK though!


21 April –21 May

There seems to be something simmering behind the scenes, will you share the secret or not? It has a romantic flavour, is it friendship or love? Those red-flagged days mid-month may indicate a need for caution, if you have a health issue or are recovering from an injury you may need to consult a health care specialist. In spite of the 17th being one of those dates you need to watch, your ruling planet Venus enters your birth sign, indicating love and affection on the way, especially around the 23rd and 24th.


 22 May –21 June

Single, and feeling that something is missing in your love-life? It’s not going to come looking for you, so get out and there and socialize. The 3rd and 4th present great opportunities to meet someone who will impress you with their energy and style. Importantly, Saturn goes into retrograde motion in your solar 7th house of relationships, a signal to reassess your most personal commitments. It is easy to feel glum when you think the cards are stacked against you, but this is just a call for patience until the time is right.


22 June –22 July

Although you are desperate for a little bit of light-hearted fun to break the tedium, it looks as though career pressures are still at play. Hard work pays off, you may get a pat on the back for a job well done during the first week of March. It may even translate into a fatter pay-packet for some. Don’t rest on your laurels though, challenges still abound. A health tip from Saturn in your solar 6th house of health and routine, keep your circulation moving with a few brisk walks. Exercise means more than changing the TV remote from one hand to another, you know.


23 July –22 August

March kicks off with the transit of the Moon through your sign, putting you in the driver’s seat, or in a hot-spot, as the case may be. If you are called on to come up with solutions, or even to make an unexpected trip, be ready. The 3rd and 4th could work well in your favour. Expect glitches along the way as the month develops though, in spite of your undoubted skills there are a lot of issues that could develop. Maybe you weren’t given the whole picture at the outset?



23 August –23 September

Not a peak time of year for Virgo, you may just feel like sitting back and watching things unfold around you. The 5th could highlight a need to show the spirit of cooperation, so be humble and accept a helping hand if offered. Those tricky days around mid-month may indicate that someone is creating problems behind your back. Try to ignore it.  It might be a good month to sort out finances, pay debts and collect what is owed to you. You will achieve more by staying low profile, your day to shine will come soon enough!



24 September – 23 October

Oh, the trials and tribulations of partnerships. That includes marriage, too. The rollercoaster ride can have poor Libra dizzy trying to keep up. From a great start to March when it seems all is rosy with your significant other you may face some tough calls as the month progresses. Don’t take it personally, some matters may be totally beyond your control, especially relating to domestic issues. Top tip, keep communication channels open, together you can work it out.


24 October –22 November

There is a strong possibility that you haven’t been taking care of yourself, and that means mental as well as physical health. It sounds easy; get enough sleep, cut down on using gadgets and tech toys a bit. You have the will-power, but are you willing to do it? Any opportunity to attend a retreat or do a detox around the 3rd and 4th of the month should put you firmly on track to a better health and wellbeing routine. What, no fun this month you ask? The 18th and 19th could bring a bit of light relief.


23 November –21 December

Just when you had made your New Year’s resolutions and entered the year with new resolve, something threw a spanner in the works and you have to do a ‘stop, look and listen’. Saturn’s retrograde can be used to good effect, it will ask you to double check your plans, and think more deeply about your responsibilities. That doesn’t mean it’s all work and no play; sport, hobbies and romance are all accented this month.


22 December –20 January

There is still a focus on your solar 12th house matters, your ruling planet Saturn will be trundling though for the next couple of years. You may find yourself being more reclusive, or out of the social loop a bit. It could be due to circumstances involving a need to give of your time to an older person who needs care. On the up side, if you have an urge to help the community in any way, you have full planetary support!


21 January –19 February

This March is a month when you should try to get out and about more, make an effort to reconnect with friends who might be feeling a bit neglected. Your particular brand of friendship could shake them out of any self-pitying mode they may have slipped in to. Communication of all types is highlighted, but you may need to phrase your words carefully around the middle of the month.


20 February –20 March

Hey, it’s your birthday month. Have fun! Soft-hearted Pisces may be spending far too much these days, especially on other people, but don’t worry, the money might be rolling in as well. The 3rd could be a red-letter day, when unexpected funds may come just when you must need them. Financially risky days where you need to exercise caution are around the 11th and 12th, so don’t undertake any transactions if you can avoid it.

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