By Maria Fahy
Okhtein was launched in 2013 by two sisters, Aya and Mounaz AbdelRaouf, who had a vision to bring back luxury to Egyptian fashion. Each Okhtein product has a unique cultural feeling, specialized in handmade embroidery together with...
You Either Love it or Hate it!
A review on The Contented Little Baby book, a book every NEW MOTHER should read.
By Lydia Schoonderbeek
I know some people think Gina Ford is a character to be taken with a pinch of...
The Invasion of the Tearling
Erika Johansen
With each passing day, Kelsea Glynn is growing into her new responsibilities as Queen of the Tearling. By stopping the shipments of slaves to the neighboring kingdom of Mortmesne, she crossed the Red Queen,...
Mosquito Land
Mosquito Land is an adventurous, realistic fiction, young adult book written by David Arnold. Min Malone goes on an adventure to see her mother after finding letters from her mother with her stepmother. She then runs away to...
Creating the “no makeup” trend is very hard to achieve, but these days the new foundation formulas cover most imperfections. Leaving you with such as well rested glow that sometimes you might not need anything else. We’ve chosen the...
Young Actors Showcase Their Talents
One of the attractions in the National Festival of Egyptian Theater, held during September, was a standout performance of Hamlet El Million by the Future University Acting Team. Inspired by Shakespeare’s longest play, Hamlet, a...
for October 2015
Safarkhan Gallery
Artist: Ahmed Nawar “Nawar’s Journey”
When: 1st - 22nd October 2015
Address: 6, Brazil St., Zamalek
Details: Safarkhan have the pleasure to present you with one of Nawar’s latest explorative journeys that witnesses his love for art.
Mashrabia Gallery
Arabia Group’s ‘City of the Sun’ to be unveiled following government plans to satisfy Egyptians’ hunger for real estate
Cairo, Egypt,31st August 2015:Arabia Group, the high profile real estate development company behind an unprecedented $4.6bn (EGP35bn) deal struck with Egypt’s...
Workouts you can Access Online From Home
By Lucy Philip
1)Workout: Shaun T
Profile: Tired of doing crunches and sit-ups? Shaun T’s hip-hop abs fitness program takes workout routines to a whole new interesting level. Exercising can be fun with these dance...