May Stars – 2017


By Maeri Frances

Counting down to summer vacation time? Make the most of May to fine-tune your plans; with several planets still retrograde you shouldn’t take anything for granted. It may be best to keep things simple, and close to home. We can say goodbye, for the moment, to that Mercury retrograde on the 3rd of May. It could take another couple of weeks to feel that you have things back in order, so be patient. This is a month of ups and downs, learn from the tough times, and let loose when the good days roll around.

P.S. Don’t forget, your rising sign plays a big role, so check that out as well if you know it.

Taurus Birthdays:  Tara Emad 11th of May (actress and model), Raya Abirached 12th of May (TV presenter and celebrity journalist), Mostafa Fathi 12th of May (footballer), Ahmed El Shennawy 14th of May (footballer), Adel Emam 17th of May (actor), Jehane Noujaim 17th of May (film director), Amro Tarek 17th of May (footballer), Ramy Rabia 20th of May (footballer), Nahed El Sebaie 25th of May (Gemini actress).

Our Birthday Sign:


It may seem as though you are treading water for the first couple of weeks of May. Nothing seems to be working your way, so possibly you could be partly responsible. Keeping things that worry you to yourself rather than sharing won’t help. If financial issues have you in a fix, have a chat with someone who can offer sound advice after the 16th. Your key to success is self-belief this month, and by the time the 31st arrives you will have the strength to handle whatever gets thrown your way.


Make a note to use the 10th and 11th of May to achieve as much as possible. The force is with you! Your mind should be sharp, with ideas coming from all directions, and so long as you keep focused, Saturn will help you plan strategically. Keep emotions under control, it will be easy to let small things upset you during this period.  You may want something beyond your grasp these days, but chasing after it will only bring frustration. Why not count your blessings; you have so many after all.Gemini:

The pressure is on! Thank heavens you have good friends to keep you from dissolving into doom and gloom. You can be almost bi-polar at the best of times, and this month could see you on a rollercoaster ride. The 11th may be confusing, emotions run high, and you could act without thinking. Keep your cool, and count to 10 before responding to anything that riles you. The 19th could be a good day to have a really serious talk with someone close about a matter that concerns you both, possibly about a long-term relationship. The 29th could bring a spot of tension regarding this, so avoid being stubborn.


This is the time to protect your hard-won territory, especially where career matters are concerned. Mercury supports any efforts at self-promotion so hit the social media after the 3rd. The 19th could bring some matters to a crux, where you see more clearly what changes will work to your long term benefit. However, don’t neglect the home front around the 8th to 12th of May, family issues may crop up and demand your undivided attention.


The month starts on a good note for Leo, with the Moon in good aspect to several planets as it transits your birth sign. Make good use of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th to seal deals, have meetings and generally get support where you need it. The 10th could bring news from afar, or set you off on an unplanned trip, but make sure you don’t rush into anything without due consideration. The 11th is not the best day for discussion regarding finances, misunderstandings could occur, but a helpful aspect between Mercury and Saturn should bring a sensible resolution.


Even though you don’t always show your sensitive side, the 5th and 6th could have you overreacting to small issues. Try to keep things in perspective, and by the 9th things should look better.  The 28th is a good day for bonding with friends and sharing positive energy, before a darker mood sets in on the 29th. Virgo babes born in the last week of the sign may feel energy levels drop, so stock up on green smoothies and your vitamins. Keep career and home issues in balance.

Libra: Make a note to keep the evening of the 7th of May for quality time with friends or a special someone in your life. This goes especially for anyone born around the 7th of October. The following day brings a more complicated scenario, especially for those born later in Libra. Don’t expect too much from a relationship on the 19th, and avoid arguments with someone precious to you around the 25th. Power-plays are not your style, so find a solution that works for both of you.


If you haven’t managed to sort out work muddles that turned your life upside down last month, the good news is that things should start to fall back into place after the 3rd. By month’s end you should be back to your usual ‘bring-it-on’ frame of mind. So, what about relationships you ask? True, May is the month when it’s not so much about you, but more about ‘us’. This is a time to re-examine your close ties, and how you handle those important liaisons. Try not to let financial issues impact your emotional life too much this month.


It could be difficult to make head or tail of the month, as situations seem to be less than clear at times. The best approach is to think carefully about your expectations and how your attitude plays a role. It boils down to how you have been able to adapt to change and mature over the past couple of years. Events at the end of May could bring this home in a positive way, so consider that the lessons learned may have been tough, but they will serve you well.


The workaholic of the universe, Capricorn is well overdue for a break. So why not make time this month for the simple pleasures of life, like family time, pets, hobbies, and some leisure activities.  A touch of hedonism is called for, so delve into some of your favorite recipes, forget about calories, and indulge… If you are feeling creative, let your inner artist free – it may get you back on track as to what really matters in your life.  By the time the 31st comes around you should be feeling self-confident and a source of inspiration to this around you.


It could take a bit of prodding to shake you from your routine this month. Home comforts keep you from venturing out, although you could be talked into a short trip if it is not too far away. Your communication levels are high, in spite of this… social media whiz that you are. The catch is: can a virtual world replace the warmth and camaraderie of actually getting together with friends – real time? Maybe you need to get back in touch with a less digital version of yourself. The last week of the month offers social opportunities.


You are in demand for your easy going company and innate ability to make people feel at ease. If only you could translate these skills into your career, which seems to be in the doldrums these days. The planets are urging you to combine innovation with practicality, not too much of a hard call. Before the end of the month you should be able to come up with a master plan, if you put your mind to it. Pay attention to ideas that pop into your head around the 9th and 10th, there could be money to be made.

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