In the Stars: Your March Horoscopes


By Maeri Frances

March opens on a harmonious note, so go into the month with a positive attitude. So long as you make a point of staying focused, things should swing along rather nicely, at least until Jupiter goes retrograde on the 9th. Then, any grand plans that were not well thought out may come messily unstuck. Expect a few more glitches when Mercury follows suit on the 23rd. In a nutshell, get important stuff done in the first week. Don’t forget, your rising sign plays a big role, so check that out as well if you know it.


Happy birthday, Pisces!

If your birthday falls on the 1st or 2nd of the month it could herald a good 12 months ahead. The first few days give you opportunities and support, so get yourself into top gear and get as much done as possible. Take care of details as the month goes on, travels plans might fall through due to financial glitches. The period between the 13th and 17th is generally positive for strategizing and putting plans into action.



The 1st is a day that holds a lot of romantic magic for you. Is it friendship or is it love? Hopefully a nice mix of both, we say. Friends can make or break this month for you in many ways, so keep them on side. Venus and Mars will be in your Solar 12th house, so affairs of the heart may be played out behind the scenes. It’s best to keep things that way, unless you want to be fuel for the gossip fires. Nurture close relationships and don’t take them for granted this March.


An urge to hit the road, jump on a plane or set sail in the first couple of weeks can be replaced by renewed enthusiasm for your job and involvement in the world at large. You may even find your time and energy torn between your outside commitments and domestic life, which at present may feel rather burdensome. Take care after the 23rd as to what you say, post or tweet in public, with Mercury retrograde things could be misconstrued.



Maybe you need to lighten up a bit this month, Virgo. Seek out the company of friends who can get your mind off the treadmill for an hour or two. Let your feelings rule your head occasionally, and understand that life can throw curveballs so you need to be able to go with the flow. You can benefit a lot from adding an active sport or form of exercise into your routine. Find something you enjoy so you will not be tempted to make excuses to skip. It may also be wise to get your finances under a tighter rein, just saying!


Is it spring, or just you in the mood for enjoying life to the full? The first week urges you to bring out your more playful side, let your intuition guide you and be creative. When Venus and Mars enter your sixth house there is a chance that things could get a bit hot and steamy around the work front. Single Scorpios may find that someone is giving them the eye, or vice versa. The 13th is a good day for getting things done.



The first week or so of March may see you out and about and busy with meetings and errands. By the second part of the month you may be more in a mood to close your phone and computer and chill at home with family. Even so, that may not guarantee the peace and quiet you so desperately need. The key to getting though these days intact is to seek out moments when you can rest and relax where ever possible. The 29th is a great day to purchase something new for the home.



Keep your cool as the stage is being set for you to make some major game-plays.    Mercury enters your birth sign on the 6th, and is followed the next day by Venus, so you should be able to charm anybody who crosses your path. It’s a great time to refresh your beauty routine and upgrade your wardrobe as well. The 11th is a day when actions will speak louder than words, as far as you are concerned.


Hard work put in on the career front during the first two weeks of March should start delivering rewards as the month draws on, so you can safely ease up a bit and reconnect with your friends. You will need to pay attention to your finances over the coming few months, especially joint assets and lines of credit. Clear overdue bills as quickly as possible. The 20th looks good for socializing; so hit the town with your best buddies for a night of fun.


If you are feeling restless you should take advantages of opportunities to head out of town in the second part of the month. Sometimes a break in a different culture and ambience is just the tonic you need. Even though you have a hardy constitution, you are in a prolonged phase of needing to pay more attention to your routines, health and general wellbeing. Get into good eating habits, catch up on rest when you need it and don’t push yourself too hard.


Is it just you, or are people on the home front being more aggressive and irritating this month? Try to be calm and diplomatic, and give others the benefit of the doubt if they are being particularly annoying. Use that energy positively; the enthusiasm of others can also work as a stimulus when you need to move your butt a little. Any agreements need to be double checked after the 23rd when Mercury goes retrograde. Read the fine print in contracts and documents, and don’t accept verbal promises. Get it in writing!



The time is ripe for you to get home affairs in order. Any ideas you have regarding updating your décor should be successful and attractive this month, so roll up your sleeves and let inspiration take over. As the middle of the month draws near the focus will shift more towards hobbies, romance and matters to do with children. Mercury is retrograde from the 23rd and will be up to his tricks, so double check and don’t rely on your customary good luck too much. The 29th shines for romance.



Finances may get a temporary boost at the beginning of the month, but money will slip through your fingers quickly as well. You will need to pay particular attention to anything you say or write from the 23rd. Things could be taken differently than you intended, so be cautious. Apart from that, you could be plagued by technical and mechanical hiccups. The usual advice for a Mercury retrograde: back up that computer, and don’t delay on servicing the car. Best get it checked early in the month.

Our monthly horoscopes are brought to you by Maeri Frances, a consulting astrologer with over 30 years’ experience. Exclusive to our publications, we brings tips for each Sun sign on how to avoid the pitfalls and ride the highs of each month.
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