June Horoscopes


By Maeri Frances

Feeling the heat? Not just from the glorious summer weather, but from some powerhouse aspects that are challenging you to step up to the mark? Mercury is still retrograde, and in his own sign, Gemini, making it ever so important to be on guard when using appliances, communications equipment and vehicles. And yes, that also means the Facebook posting that you made in a fit of temper and oh-so-wish you could undo.


Hey, it’s your birthday month! And it’s hard to miss, with so much action going on. With Mars making his presence felt in your birth sign, along with the Sun and Mercury you could be forgiven for feeling that you’re everyone’s punching bag. Maybe you are feeling a bit feisty yourself, and quick on the draw with a few sharp words. Best to bite your tongue before blurting out home truths better left unsaid. Console yourself with the fact that Venus is first lighting up your financial zone, then your 3rd house of zooming around town, which can indicate good income, and shopping trips!


Whatever is going on, Aries wants to be at the wheel, both literally and figuratively. It will be hard to pin you down this month; you are on the go, and expressing your opinions a lot as well. You could be a bit impatient, but try to stay calm as all that energy from your ruling planet Mars — in your 3rd house of short distance travel, neighbors, and communication — could see you in a Tweeting and texting overload. Jupiter is still in your fun zone, your solar 5th house of creativity, sports and flirting, so single guys and gals, don’t waste any opportunities!


Financial pressures step up even further. Maybe you have a deadline to get cash together and need to make an extra effort. Don’t stress about it, doing that will only add to the sense of panic!  Your ruling planet Venus is in your 3rd house of ‘how to deliver the message’ and you will be able to charm your way into anyone’s good books. Financial help may come from a parent, or a real estate deal, so don’t despair. Be patient until after the 12th of June, things will gradually start to improve.

Gemini – See above


This is your month of the year to make hay while the sun shines. Finances and beneficial circumstances are looking good for you, although with Pluto in opposition to your birth sign the luck could also just as easily slip through your fingers. The final couple of days of the month could make or break you; a change or promotion in your career could see a boost in your finances. That could mean a heavier workload; things are getting busy for you this summer!




Ruled by the Sun, Leos always seem to thrive in the hot summer months.  Venus enters your birth sign on the 6th of June, so not only should you be feeling great, you are probably attracting a lot of admiring looks as well. You have some lucky moments this month, key days are the 20th and 21st, then the 28th and 29th. That great Jupiter energy combines with Venus to bring rare opportunities. With support from Uranus in Aries things may come out of the blue, but be ready to act when the time comes. You should have a great rapport with fellow Fire signs these days, you feed off each other’s energy and enthusiasm.


Your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde until the 12th, and will still take time to get back into form, so Virgo babes and guys may feel that nothing is moving quickly enough for them. Plans you have made that depend on other’s cooperation seem stalled, but trying to push things at the wrong time will be counter-productive. By mid-month career matters may pick up speed again, and by month’s end you can actually indulge in a bit of socializing. Make an effort to get out and about more, stay in the loop.


Your patience may have been tested to the limits recently, but that cycle of tough aspects has eased up a bit, giving you a chance to move forward.  Career prospects brighten, and it could be due to a more optimistic attitude on your part. Jupiter and Venus bring support from friends, and that gives you the extra burst of confidence to get out and make your mark on the world. Don’t be frightened about partnering up with someone who has some slightly eccentric ideas, as thinking outside of the box is the way to go as the month draws to a close.


Saturn may be sliding back into your birth sign for a short period, but see it as a call to refine work half done rather than a burden. You have some dynamic aspects lighting up your career and prestige domain in the 10th house, so knuckle down to clear up unfinished matters and you stand to come out on top. Travel is also likely with planets active in your solar 9th house; this might also link up in some way with work matters. Again, use your superb investigate skills to get the facts in situations, this will give you an edge over your rivals.


It doesn’t take much to persuade a typical Sagittarian to grab a bag and hop on a plane, and this is the month when wanderlust could hit you hard. There’s every chance you have a fun-loving partner or friend who is just a zany as you, team up and enjoy all the opportunities that seem to be around this month for Fire signs. One word of caution, postpone signing contracts until after the 12th of June, Mercury retrograde could let you overlook some important points. Best days are around the 29th, make the most of them!


Capricorn is never one to shy away from an honest day’s work, but this month fortune may smile on you through benefits coming from other people. Property matters and family may be high on your list of priorities, and your credit rating looks healthy if you need to ask for assistance. You might have to watch your health during June, take care of stress, and any injuries or sprains to shoulders, arms or wrists. Mercury and Mars are activating your 6th house of health and work routines. Keep to a steady pace with enough rest and a healthy diet this month, your system may be a bit low on energy.


A chance meeting with someone new could change the direction of your life in some ways. Sounds too good to be true? It’s just that there is some really good planetary teaming up between Venus, the bringer of love, and Jupiter, the bringer of opportunity, in your solar 7th house of closest relationships this month. The last week could be truly memorable. It could easily be a friendship that initiates online, that Uranus-ruled technology thing going on in your 3rd house of communications. And Aquarians are much more at home in a world of social media relationships, aren’t they? This time, try and connect real time, it could be amazing.



Your social life should have been quite upbeat in recent days, resulting in a renewed joie de vivre.  That lovely Venus and Jupiter pair-up falls in your solar 6th house. It means an improvement in health, but with one important caveat, pleasure-seeking behavior and overindulgence in rich food can undo all the potential benefits! OK, just the occasional ice-cream or two, but don’t waste the chance to work on your wellness regime, with the likelihood of getting stunning results. There may be a bit of friction on the domestic front, or a need for home repairs, try to take it in your stride. That means being sweet to the landlady if you are renting as well!

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