How To Actually Agree To Disagree

You, me, and everyone around us all have our own and sometimes different opinions on all matters of life. And so, it’s inevitable that we will run into situations where we are faced with opposing opinions to our own, and debates or discussions where we try to deliver our points of view are bound to happen. Agree To Disagree

So knowing how to disagree gracefully is definitely one of the most important people skills to have! Disagreeing should never result in fights, grudges, or the ruining of relationships.

When we realize how important it actually is to have different opinions, we’ll also realize why it’s important to know how to listen to views that differ from yours, and how we can deliver a point without conflict. There are many things you can try and implement in your next discussion with someone who disagrees with you. Agree To Disagree

By Farah ElAbd

Make sure they feel heard

A major reason why the person in front of you can become more aggressive when you both disagree while you’re having your discussion is that they feel that you’re not actually listening to them.

Agree To DisagreeMake sure to validate their point of view during the conversation even if you don’t necessarily agree with it. This shows that you respect that person’s perspective despite not agreeing with it, and it also makes it much easier for them to understand your point of view once they see that you heard their side.

Do not get personal

Unless we’re talking about a personal argument by nature like a disagreement with your partner or family member, there is no need to get personal while disagreeing with someone; especially if in a professional setting.

Do not make any personal comments about the person in front of you, and do not let your feelings control what you need to say instead of using logic. Focus on finding the right phrasing and words to convey why you disagree with the person in front of you without hurting their feelings, while also standing your ground.

Find common ground

Having more difficult conversations with opposing points of view and debates is extremely important for us; they broaden our perspective, help us see new angles, and can lead to more productivity in the workplace. Agree To Disagree

Your goal in these conversations should be to understand and learn, and not to ‘win’, and you’ll be able to do that when you look for a common point of agreement instead of focusing on what you disagree on.

Truly listen to the person in front of you to find which point of theirs makes sense, or maybe there’ll be a new angle you hadn’t thought of, so acknowledge that.

Focus on facts

The strongest arguments are always the ones that rely on facts instead of opinions, and although it can be difficult to stick by that in the heat of an argument, it’s critical to remember that logic wins over emotion in a disagreement.

Of course you can be passionate about your point of view, but your passion should be held at bay and not allow you to become too emotional to correctly communicate your perspective.

Your main efforts should be placed on emphasising the reasoning behind the point of view you’re trying to express to the other person, rather than how you feel about that point of view. Agree To Disagree

Remember that while it’s important to have the freedom to voice your opinion, it’s equally as important to know how to remain respectful and considerate while doing so!

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