‘Eish Ya Alby is About Embracing Life’: Abu Opens Up About Love, Loss, and Following Your Dreams


By Mariam Elhamy

Just in time for Gouna Film Festival the Third Edition, Abu has released a new single Eish Ya Alby, inspired by a rough patch in his life. The song sends a message to listeners to follow their dreams and live life to the fullest.

Curious how a successful songwriter like Abu overcomes writer’s block? He shared the details, and spoke about what he learned as a newlywed and whether there is a career in acting on the horizon!

Is the new single based on any life experiences you’ve had recently?

Yes, Eish Ya Alby started out as a message to myself. After Talat Da’at, I went through a difficult time. My father got ill and passed away, which led to a very introspective period in my life. I decided my next single should address following your dreams and forgetting about fear, because it’s the biggest enemy. Love failure, because if you do, you’ll learn a lot from it. Eish Ya Alby, composed by Mino and written by myself and Mohamed Sarhan, is about embracing life, not just surviving. It’s about expressing, living and enjoying your life.

Have you ever faced writer’s block? Any advice for overcoming it?

It happens a lot, but I believe it’s a mind trick. Your brain just shuts down after doing the same thing repeatedly. Your mind adapts itself on whatever you’re doing, so it’s all about the mindset. In order to clear the block you have to change your scenery, and don’t accept the fact that you have a writer’s block, just think of it as something temporary.

If you could pursue a totally different career, what would it be?

A teacher! I would love to teach kids.

What is the one thing you love the most about being a musician?

Expression. You get to know how to express what you want to say in the best
form ever, something that everybody loves: music.

Your duet with Yousra became the theme song of GFF’s first editon, what are you expecting from this year’s third round? Would you ever consider acting?

I expect GFF’s third edition will be another episode of the ongoing success that
the festival has established so far, and I feel that there will be something very
special this time.

Have you ever considered dipping into acting?

Yes, I did consider acting, but I trust the process and the flow. It’s going to come
at some point.

You and your wife are going to be celebrating your second anniversary soon, any advice you can share with newlyweds?

Take it easy, don’t get married too young – men especially. I think that the best age for a man to get married is between 33 to 34. After you’re married, your family should always be your number one priority.

The secret of happiness is to find someone to share your life, have kids, create a family and grow old with. My final advice is to keep everything just between you two, in both good times and bad times.

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