Circle Entertainment: An Event Startup to Watch


Right Circles is an entertainment startup that launched in Egypt in 2019 and was funded by the founding partners, Patrick Antoine and Marco Marvin with an initial 5 figure investment.

Circle Entertainment has grown substantially, reinjecting profits back into the startup. The startup’s events are centered around upbeat music genres like Pop and Hip Hop, while the startup is looking to diversify into more genres of music.

Exclusive Hot Ticket

Circle Entertainment events are a hot ticket as they are quite exclusive, with only friends and friends of friends invited to the shindigs. So word of mouth is the main marketing tactic.

The selection process is strictly based on knowing the founding partners personally or being a friend of a friend. This is ultimately done for a few reasons. First of all, it is to help familiarize people within the same social circle that may have not known of each other but could have had mutual friends.

It also reduces the risk of having any sort of problems between people who may not know each other. So, making new friends is almost guaranteed at these Circle Entertainment parties.Circle Entertainment

Keeping the Circle Tight

The startup also place a great emphasis on selecting the right venue and making sure that the venue selected is safe to accommodate. Circle Entertainment also has a specific ratio of bodyguards at all its’ events to prevent any altercations.

Safety comes first and this is a huge priority for the brand, which is why it hasn’t had any mishaps at any previous parties thus far. Circle Entertainment celebrates all major world occasions like Halloween and New Year’s Eve and is looking to get involved in more major events as the business progresses.


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