In the Stars: Your October Horoscopes


By Maeri Frances

Powerhouse Pluto gets geared up into direct motion again this month, having done a neat bit of reorganizing the status quo during the past period. It may not have been the most comfortable experience for many on our planet, but when Pluto does a house cleaning the effects will be felt for quite a while. Hopefully a path has been cleared for positive change on many fronts. P.S. Don’t forget to read your rising sign as well if you know it.

Happy birthday, Libra!

October in a Nutshell:  Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Just kidding! How could adorable Libra have enemies? That being said, there is a lot brewing behind the scenes that you may be reluctant to share until the last week of the month or early November. Pluto is urging you to review your home and domestic situation. Is it time to implement the changes you were considering?


October in a Nutshell: Responsibilities fall on your shoulders.

You like to see the path ahead clear and free from obstacles, but this month you need to give time and energy to not only your own health and wellbeing, but also to the needs of others close to you. This can be time consuming, but any attempt to take shortcuts or duck out could put you in a bad light. You could make or break your reputation this month. 

October in a Nutshell: You gotta have friends!

The supportive energy of planets in fellow earth signs suits you down to the ground. Everything makes sense and seems like a plan. Use the first few weeks of this month to think about what matters to you, your long term goals and who is currently rocking your boat, in the best possible way. Stay positive and goals can be within reach this October.


October in a Nutshell: Why can’t we just keep things light and happy?

By the time you have dusted yourself off from the whirlwind of September, you will barely have time to prepare for the curveballs that October has in store. Financial matters could be hanging over your head like leaden clouds, but deal with them you must. The last week of the month is much more to your liking, so cheer up! 


October in a Nutshell: Someone is pushing your buttons…

Relationships could pose some challenges this month. Are you the victim of someone else’s power play, or is it you being cagey and manipulative? Maybe a good heart to heart talk will clear the air, but unless you are both sincere and upfront the result could be yet another stalemate.


October in a Nutshell: Load up on those vitamins!

Now that finances are healthier you can afford to spend some time getting out and about and catching up on news and views. You are still feeling pressure regarding your health. This may be the month when you actually find a solution. It may involve compromising certain habits and routines, including diet. 


October in a Nutshell: The best things in life sometimes require sacrifices

“No pain, no gain”, as they say. This could be the time to weigh up your self-indulgences and hedonistic side. Yes, Virgo, you do have them. To be truly creative and give birth to a new, pared back of version of yourself you need to shed outworn habits and assumptions. Just do it! 


October in a Nutshell: There’s a rumble in the jungle.

If anyone loves to dig below the surface, it’s you Scorpio. Nobody can beat you at getting the juiciest titbits of gossip and secrets that absolutely nobody wants to come out. But that’s when your better nature needs to shine. A few careless words could cause unnecessary unhappiness, so keep your lips zipped to be on the safe side.


October in a Nutshell: Sign up for the next Casa Del Papel

You love grand gestures. Why do things by halves? And when you try to balance your needs versus your actual income there is something that needs adjusting. Frugality is not part of your carefree, exuberant nature. Put on your thinking cap this October and look for ways to boost your income. 


October in a Nutshell: You can do it!

Breathe deep and stride forward with confidence. Recent months may have been challenging, especially when things have seemed to slip out of your grasp just as you felt confident that you had it all under control. Lessons well learnt, you can apply your knowledge and experience to change your life, for the better. 


October in a Nutshell: If you ignore it, it might just go away…

You really can be your own worst enemy at times. Denial is such a comfortable state to drift along in, until reality hits. Sometimes you need to give yourself a bit of a shake-up. This October signals a phase when you can experience change on a profound, even subconscious level. Be guided by your instincts and listen to that inner voice.



October in a Nutshell: Time to de-clutter and refocus

It is so easy to live in the moment, isn’t it Pisces? Drifting from situation to situation, immersing yourself in the social scene. En route you may pick up all sorts of fans and would-be friends who can’t resist the sheer radiance of your personality. But, enough is enough. Time to sort of out who is true to you, and who is just a hanger-on.

Our monthly horoscopes are brought to you by Maeri Frances, a consulting astrologer with over 30 years’ experience. Exclusive to our publications, we brings tips for each Sun sign on how to avoid the pitfalls and ride the highs of each month.

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