How to Get the Perfect Tan During Spring Break


Sun’s out, swimsuits on! Spring break is almost here and wherever you’re planning to go make sure to check out these tips to get the perfect tan on your vacation. Don’t we all just want to be sun-kissed safely?

Exfoliation is crucial!

Removing old dead skin cells is the most important method to get an even tan. Scrub your body right before your tan and get rid of your flaky skin. There are tons of exfoliators but the best ones are mainly coffee, salt, and sugar scrubs.

Hydrate your skin!

It is known that the winter dries your skin out; but now that winter is gone, don’t stop applying moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated and moist. Start using your moisturizer a week before tanning to eliminate dry skin.

Apply the right tanning oil and sunscreen

Choosing the right SPF depending on your skin will help maintain your tan. Make sure to use your sunscreen lotion because UV rays will harm your skin.

Do not tan all day!

Dr. Nick Lowe recommends two to three hours of sun exposure if you have fair skin because your skin wouldn’t produce melanin after that and will only jeopardize your skin from the UV.

Eat food that will protect you from the sun!

To avoid the risk of UV damage, protect your skin and consume sun-friendly food like fish, red and orange fruits or vegetables, chocolate and green/black tea.

Cool your skin down!

Take a cool shower right after your tan to soothe your skin.

Finally … After-Sun!

People usually forget to use after-sun after tanning, even though it is vital to do so. Using an after-sun lotion will help your tan last longer as well as protect your skin from any overexposure.

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