In the Stars: Your May Horoscopes


By Maeri Frances

This is a month to get in touch with nature, planets in earthy Taurus open up our senses to the beauty around us. Surround yourself with beauty and calm, and slow things down to a relaxed pace. Practicality is to the fore, but the entry of Uranus into Taurus signals a need to look at new approaches, particularly in financial matters and management of the earth’s resources. P.S. Don’t forget to read your rising sign as well if you know it.

Happy birthday, Taurus!

May in a Nutshell:  Feeling the love?

This is your month to glow. Venus and Mercury cruise into your birth sign and amp up your charm. Invest in some new spring clothes or beauty products, and get out there and mingle. Your confidence should be at a high, so use it to communicate your innermost thoughts and beliefs. The 18th of May could bring a surprise romantic encounter.


May in a Nutshell: Finances look healthy.

Career matters have been tough recently for many Aries, but this month should see your efforts paying off in a boost to your finances. The temptation to spend whatever comes in will be irresistible, some willpower will be needed. After the 21st you may be kept busy with a surge in phone calls and online communication.

Gemini: May in a Nutshell: Time to recharge your batteries.

It’s time to slow down a little Gemini. You thrive on being super busy, and can achieve more than other mere mortals, but this month you will really benefit from hopping off the treadmill. That means turning off the phone and computer for a few hours a day. Impossible? Rediscover the joys of reading.


May in a Nutshell:  A change of tempo.

Life gets busier this month. You may feel a bit stressed and irritable by mid-May, and this could take a toll on close relationships. The best days for resolving difficult situations are likely to be between the 11th and the 18th when friends can be there to bounce ideas off. Try not to impose too many conditions on those you care about.


May in a Nutshell: Shine like the star you are!

Put yourself out there so people will be in no doubt why you are the king, or queen, of the jungle. You have a natural presence that others cannot fake, no matter how hard they try. Your key to success this month lays in your ability to rise above any small irritations and setbacks with poise and humour. Give it a go!


May in a Nutshell: Look at things from a different angle.

Even though Virgo has a strong work ethic, there are days this month when you need to kick back and enjoy the lighter side of life. If you don’t seem to find enjoyment in any of your leisure activities maybe you should look at what is really important to you. Dig deep and think about what you value, rather than chasing after superficial diversions.


May in a Nutshell: Relationships should stabilise.

After what felt like a never-ending period when relationships seemed like a roller coaster, you can look at smoother sailing ahead. Singles who are looking for a partner who is here for today… and tomorrow, may feel a bit more confident going forward. Importantly, you need to be ready to make a commitment yourself.


May in a Nutshell: Change is in the air.

Your mind can be known to plunge into some pretty dark places at times, and it is easy to drag friends and family along with it. Try to deal with any fears and anxieties privately, rather than let the mood affect relationships. Work and health matters look positive, and it is a good time to add to your wardrobe.


May in a Nutshell: Consolidate and protect your resources.

The action is going on in your second house of finances and resources. Any plan that hadn’t been well thought out may start to fray at the seams this month. It is not a time to take risks or make unnecessary expenditures, so stick to a budget and think long term. Brainstorm about how you could work more creatively.



May in a Nutshell: When the going gets tough…

The past months have had their share of trials and tribulations. Some things will take time and patience, so hang in there. On the up side, Uranus is bringing a spark of excitement to your sector of kids, creativity, romance, sport and hobbies. Try something new; shake yourself out of that rut!


May in a Nutshell: Put your unique skills to work

The rebel in you may be prompting you to make a few moves in your choice of work. It doesn’t necessarily mean a total change, just a breath of new life into what you put out into the world. Get up to date with your tech skills, and find a way to inject your own perspective into what you do.


May in a Nutshell: Keep that bag packed…

Sometimes a digital life seems a poor substitute for the real thing, and you could feel the urge to travel this May. Even if finances don’t stretch to a major expedition, grab any chance that presents itself for a few days out of town. Embrace the new and different, seek out new places and new faces this month.


Our monthly horoscopes are brought to you by Maeri Frances, a consulting astrologer with over 30 years’ experience. Exclusive to our publications, we brings tips for each Sun sign on how to avoid the pitfalls and ride the highs of each month.

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