Check-up & Screening Guidelines for Men


Getting the right screening test at the right time is one of the most important things a man can do for his health. Screenings find diseases early, before you have symptoms, when they’re easier to treat.

You can get some screenings at your doctor’s office. Others need special equipment, so you may need to go to a diagnostics lab. Which tests you may need depends on your age and your family history, and whether you have risk factors for certain diseases. You and your physician should work together to develop a specific preventive health-screening plan for you.

There are regular basic check-ups for everyone. As you get older, you may become prone to some diseases, hence more screening tests are required with aging. The testing frequency depends on the results and your risk profile. The following is a list of the recommended screening tests, and how often you may need to get them done based on your age group.

Ages 18-39

 Weight and height screening: The combination of weight and height determine your body mass index (BMI), the most widely used measure of overweight. Measure weight annually, and height once every 10 years past age 50

Eye exam: At least one exam from ages 20-29 and at least two exams from ages 30-39

Hearing test: Starting at age 18, then every 10 years

Dental Exam: One to two times every year

Heart health:

– Measure blood pressure at least every 2 years if normal

– Cholesterol test (fasting lipoprotein profile), starting at age 20, and then every 5 years

Testicular exam: Monthly self-exam

Skin Health: Monthly mole self-exam; by a doctor every 3 years, starting at age 20

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs): Sexually active adults who consider themselves at risk for STDs should be screened for syphilis, chlamydia, HIV, and other STDs

Thyroid test (TSH): Start at age 35, then every 5 years

Ages 40-49

In addition to the aforementioned:

Eye Exam: Get an exam at age 40, then every 2 – 4 years or as your doctor advises

Diabetes screening: Start at age 45, then every 3 years

Ages 50-64

In addition to the aforementioned:


– Fecal occult blood test: Yearly

– Flexible Sigmoidoscopy (with fecal occult blood test is preferred): Every 5 years (if not having a colonoscopy)

– Colonoscopy: Every 10 years

 Prostate health: Every 5-10 years with each colorectal screening

 Lung cancer: Annual screening for lung cancer with a low-dose CT scan in adults ages 55 to 80 years who have a 30 pack per year smoking history (smoked one pack/day for 30 years, two packs/day for 15 years, etc.) and who currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years.

Ages 65 and Older

 In addition to the aforementioned:

Bone Health: Get a bone mineral density test at least once. Talk to your doctor or nurse about repeat testing.

During each check-up, ask your doctor regarding any recommended immunizations. Remember, vaccines are not only for children!

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