9 Useful Apps for Brains, Food & Drink, and Health

Isn’t the digital world amazing? With just a few clicks, there is a wealth of information right in your pocket. Check out our picks for apps that will seriously amp up your health in a number of ways!



This brain training program is designed to improve attention, speaking skills, processing speed, memory, math skills, and more.


Happify builds on a body of mental health research to help users overcome stress and negative thoughts and improve their emotional health and resilience.


Browse a variety of guided meditations and other programs to choose from based on your needs. It even sends you the occasional reminder to chill out and breathe!


Weber’s Grill

This app tells you how to cook things, how long to cook them, and is chock full of grilling tips you never knew.


Need help with identifying the good stuff from the bad stuff? This app has a bank of over 250,000 food items and also tracks your food intake and exercise.

Food & Wine Cocktails

Browse over 350 recipes for drinks to pair with your dinner (you can make them non-alcoholic, if you wish!) approved by the knowledgeable editors at Food & Wine magazine.


Lose It!

A goal-oriented app for food and exercise tracking. Their ‘Snap It’ feature allows you to take a photo of your meal and log it with a calorie count.

StrongLifts 5×5

An app for strength training that includes methods to record your progress, a timer, and a variety of workouts and training exercises.


This app provides fast-paced bodyweight and equipment-based workouts that’ll deliver results when done three times a week.