Your November Stars

By Maeri Frances

Welcome November! After some months with blockbuster aspects can we look forward to something a little more mellow, in keeping with the season? Maybe. But there is no shortage of activity in the skies above, including that planet of inspiration and illusion, Neptune, going back into direct motion on the 18th of November. Time to ask, have we been chasing wild hopes, only to find them dashed against the rocks of reality? Or, have we learned to shake off our shackles and  follow our dreams? Don’t forget to check out your rising sign as well if you know it.



Our Birthday Sign


24 October –22 November


With Mercury entering your birth sign on the 2nd, it seems that you will be calling the shots in a lot of areas, especially in the way information is handled. Not a great one for letting too much information get around, without your say-so at least, it could be testing for those around you. Venus and Mars cosy up together in your 11th house of friendship on the 3rd, so unattached Scorpios could find a buddy becoming something more, romantically speaking. During the course of the month both planets will slide into Libra, your 12th house of ‘behind the scenes’ activities. ‘Nuff said!


21 March –20 April

With Mars, the ruling planet of your birth sign, working his way through your 6th house of work, responsibilities and health in the first few days you may see an upsurge in related issues. Watch out for digestive upsets, along with a busier schedule. Try to keep relations with colleagues as smooth as possible, criticism and impatience will just fray everyone’s tempers. On the upside, Venus and Mars will enter Libra a few days later, meaning that relationships with significant others get a sensual boost. Expect to be swept off your feet.


21 April –21 May

Love matters are still to the fore during the first week. Venus and Mars are canoodling in your 5th house, so you may feel an urge to put a romantic situation onto a firmer footing. After that the emphasis flows into your area of work, the advice for Aries will apply for you too. Venus is your ruling planet, so it will give you the ability to smooth over any rough patches. It is also a time when you may feel like adding to your wardrobe, go for quality!


 22 May –21 June

It may seem that life is nothing but domestic responsibilities, but hey, creative Gemini, you can find a way to inject some fun into the home. With Venus and Mars accenting both your 4th and 5th houses you can do some great home entertaining. Go for something a little over-the-top, with a romantic vibe. Mercury in your 6th house means that there is also plenty to keep you busy around the workplace as well. Children play an important role as well as the month progresses, you could be in the mood for throwing a party or two for younger family members. Best days for Gemini: 10th and 13th of November.


22 June –22 July

Planetary energy is focused in your travel, home and child sectors. This could mean that your are on the go, with short trips, lots of communication by phone and emails, real estate and domestic matters and a need to pay attention to younger family members. There will be more light hearted moments, it’s not all hard work! Venus and Mars will add to a loving, affectionate atmosphere on the home front, so spend quality time with someone special. Travel plans that had been unclear or on hold may go forward after the 18th.


23 July –22 August

The earliest days of November could see you in an extravagant frame of mind. This could be followed up by increased communication and the possibility of a short trip or two.

By the end of the month you should be happy to spend some time at home, catching up on some reading or a movie or two. When Neptune goes direct in your 8th house information regarding a financial mystery may come to light. Your most auspicious days for following through on plans are the 6th and 11th of November, days to tread with more care are the 21st and 24th.


23 August –23 September

Virgo  should have been enjoying the energy available from both Venus and Mars in their birth sign.  It is a time for romance, and working on your personal grooming and image by sprucing up. Throw out those old sweats and invest in something a bit more upbeat! When these two planets move into your financial zone as the month rolls on you will be in the mood for splashing some cash. Just make sure that you have it available, credit cards don’t count! Expect some news around the last days of the month.


24 September – 23 October

The month may start on a slow note, but then – fasten your seatbelts! After the 8th you will feel the loving influence of Venus, followed by a burst of Martian energy on the 12th November. Both planets will be lighting up your birth sign, giving you a sparkle and extra radiance. It may also increase your hedonistic streak, so go easy on the chocolate, and other pleasures of life. It’s a perfect time to experiment with a great haircut and a makeover if you feel your style has become a little ho-hum. Days to make the most of: 8th and 13th of November.Sagittarius

23 November –21 December

Do you feel something building up in your life? You could be right. There is plenty going on in your social calendar, so get into the mix , catch up with old friends and make some new ones. On the 20th Mercury will enter your birth sign, making you rather chatty, well, even more so than usual! By month’s end, when the Sun connects with Saturn, it will be time for assessing where you stand, in terms of responsibilities, commitments, challenges and restrictions, as well as solid gains made. Avoid domestic decisions around the 26th if possible.


22 December –20 January

Like it or not, you may be thrust into the limelight this month. You know what to do, you can strut your stuff with the best of them. Just with more style and panache! Even though there are some issues lurking in your life that either you are not willing to acknowledge, or expose to public scrutiny, you may have to confront them by month’s end. But before then you will have more than your fair share of social activity and progress in matters close to your heart, it’s not all gloom and doom!


21 January –19 February

Life can be complicated. And that is not what the average Aquarian wants. But, it seems that your humanitarian nature must respond to serious issues  concerning friends who really need your emotional support this month. So, lose your cool demeanour and open up that warm heart that you manage to keep hidden most of the time. Finances could also need attention, especially  around the 26th when you want to contribute to a cause you care about. The good news? Possibilities open up for travel plans.


20 February –20 March

It’s not easy for a Pisces to say no to someone they care about. But at the end of the day, you need to take care of number one first. So, if someone tries to sweet-talk you or pull on your heartstrings, be practical. Your public profile and career come strongly into focus, you may have  a new job or promotion that is making demands on you. Grasp the opportunity, if you perform well the rewards will follow. Days to enjoy: 3rd and 6th for love and relaxation.