Your December Star


Saying goodbye to a departing year and welcoming the new can stir up no end of emotions, memories and anticipation. How do the planets help us through this transition this December? Are we still trying to find our equilibrium after that Saturn to Neptune square last month, where our sense of security and comfort zones were shaken in way we might not easily swing back from? When Uranus goes into direct motion again on the 26th December we can hope for developments to take a more positive turn. Yes, there are still bumps on the road ahead this month, but good times as well, so let’s go forward, armed with a new clarity and resolve to embrace what 2016 throws at us.



Our Birthday Sign


23 November –21 December


You, more than many, may have felt the impact of the recent Saturn aspect. Known for your eternal search for truth; the exposure of deceptions, misconceptions and smoke-screened situations may have left you feeling cynical and defeatist. Dig deep into that Jupiter-ruled psyche of yours and spread inspiration to those around you; you have the power to do it. Key dates for feeling good are the 1st, the 11th, when there is a New Moon in your birth sign, and the 30th, when Venus and your ruling planet Jupiter are in harmony.


21 March –20 April

December asks you to focus on what rings true for you. Don’t accept glib explanations or media hype, do a bit of soul-searching instead. There will be matters related to your career aspirations to handle as diplomatically as possible, as well as joint finances or debts to be settled. The 6th is a day to exercise damage control, avoid arguments if possible, tempers might flare. The 11th is also a day when nerves may be on edge; it seems that your patience is being tested to the max these days. Try to use the 25th to smooth any feathers you may have ruffled during the month.


21 April –21 May

You can actually feel a little upbeat this December, harmonious aspects to your 7th house improve prospects for close relationships and partnerships. Planets in Capricorn will be supportive of any travel plans, or visits from friends from afar, so start getting your wardrobe in order for a busy social season. The 6th is tense, try to keep strong personal opinions out of workplace discussions, even though it could be difficult. The 11th, 17th and 24th are great for partying. You could be the star of the show.


 22 May –21 June

Someone near and dear to you may be going through a stressful time, so try to put your own worries to one side and be as supportive as you can. Your solar 5th House is highlighted on the 6th and the 11th, indicating a need to be extra vigilant in anything related to children, or sport and exercise. Relationships with colleagues and the general mood around the workplace should be lively, so take time out for a bit of fun. On the upside, the final days of the year are perfect for getting together with friends, including some you may not have seen for a while.


22 June –22 July

Inspiration and a new approach on the work front will set the month off to a good start on the 1st, but remember to keep things in balance. Domestic responsibilities, family and your closest relationships may suffer if you allow yourself to be distracted. When Venus slips into compatible water sign Scorpio on the 5th you can look forward to some romantic moments, or at least pleasant pastimes. Excellent days for planning something special fall on the 11th, 17th and 24th.




23 July –22 August

Seasonal festivities should have you in the mood for creating a stunning a mbience at home. It seems that home entertaining holds more appeal than going out on the town this month, so practise your hosting skills. Just don’t overdo things, the 19th and 21st could see you feeling a bit below par health-wise. The 24th is a day when you can pull out all the stops, relax, mix and mingle, there really will be a feeling of goodwill in the air.


23 August –23 September

Like fellow earth sign Taurus, the planets are supporting your efforts during December. Of course, we can’t expect to have smooth sailing all the way, and you may have financial frustrations and unexpected expenses to contend with. Plan for contingencies. With a lot of focus this month in your 3rd solar house of communication you should make time to be more communicative and outgoing. That means sending a few New Year’s greetings to friends you have been out of touch with as well!


24 September – 23 October

Normally peace-loving Libra may be at the forefront of a few battles this December. Try to keep the peace around the home, and be patient with older family members. Days to watch are the 6th and the 11th.The good news is that finances should be on the up and up, maybe an end-of-year bonus or raise? Make the most of the festive mood on the 24th, people should be in a laid-back mood and ready to party


22 December –20 January

This is a month of mixed aspects. You personal charisma is at an all-time high for a lot of the month, but that could be a double edged sword with jealous rivals ready to create gossip and cast dispersions when they get a chance. Clever Scorpio knows how keep things discreet, so that should be the golden rule this December. There may be a small chance of needing  to watch health matters, either your own or someone close to you, so don’t ignore any symptoms, better to be safe than sorry.


22 December –20 January

It may take a bit of prodding to get you into a festive mood, but with so many invitations flooding in you should soon let loose your ‘party animal’. The trick will be to juggle a busy schedule. Tensions could arise when you find career obligations running up against domestic responsibilities, just do your best!  Capricorns are masters of the art of organization, so strut your stuff! If you were born between the 5 to 7th of January watch out for stress around the 6th and 11th, you may feel that your personal boundaries are being threatened.


21 January –19 February

While your ruling planet Uranus has been in retrograde motion you may have felt that your ideas were considered out of touch. Now, as Uranus reverts to direct motion on the 26th  ,you should find a much more appreciative audience. Your public persona should be getting some attention, make sure you dress to impress when needed.  It’s not the best month for tangling with bureaucracy; try to avoid dealing with this until the new year if possible. Good days for getting together with friends are the 24th and 30th.


20 February –20 March

Friends from afar, or a spot of travel for yourself. Whichever way it goes you should have plenty to stimulate your mind as December gets under way. There are a few niggles to contend with, maybe in the form of heated discussions over joint finances on the 6th and 11th. You may find a special rapport with fellow water sign Scorpio, they can give you emotional strength and boost your spirits when you feel a bit down this month. Don’t forget to get out your most glamourous threads for parties around the 17th and 24th of December..

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