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The most visited cities in the world below

  1. Hong Kong – 27.7 million visitors
  2. London – 17.4 million visitors
  3. Singapore – 17.1 million visitors
  4. Bangkok – 16.2 million visitors
  5. Paris – 15 million visitors
  6. Macau – 15 million visitors
  7. Shenzhen – 13.1 million visitors
  8. New York City – 12.2 million visitors
  9. Istanbul – 11.9 million visitors
  10. Kuala Lumpur – 11.6 million visitors


Hillary Clinton

The definition of a strong, powerful, fearless woman.

The genius new product that will change the way you paint your nails forever. A brilliantly simple idea, the tweexy is a rubber ring with a holder to keep your nail polish upright while you paint. Find out more on instagram @thetweexy

Here’s to a younger you with Wheatgrass, which is a superior detoxification agent compared to carrot juice and other fruit and vegetables. It is an effective healer as it contains, vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, and K, and is extremely rich in protein. It also helps with skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis. Grab it from your nearest Imtenan store.

Egypt’s environment minister has said around three fugitive crocodiles have been located in a roadside canal in the Cairo suburb of Matariya, while locals allege a larger number of the reptiles have been seen on the run.


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