Tone up your body for summer in 12 weeks

As the summer months approach and the weather is getting warmer, special attention needs to be given to proper hydration and to the prevention of heat illnesses while doing your workout.

Water is very important in our plan and don’t ever forget to get enough dose of it   (2.5: 3 litters), because it is essential for all major bodily functions, to include:

  • Banish headaches
  • Improve your mood
  • Relieve fatigue
  • Boost your energy levels
  • Relieve constipation
  • Flush out toxins
  • Improve digestion
  • Promote weight loss
  • Prevent kidney stones
  • Boost your immune system
  • Improve your complexion
  • Prevent hangovers
  • Alleviate back pain
  • Regulate body temperature 

WEEK 5 – Upper/Lower Split + Total Body

Goal: Strength/Hypertrophy
* Complete 3-5 sets of each circuit

Day 1 – On; Day 2 – On; Day 3 – On; Day 4 – Off; Day 5 – On; Day 6 – On; Day 7 – On

Day 1 Day2 Day3
exercise rep exercise rep exercise rep
Circuit 1 Circuit 1 Circuit 1
Dumbbell Bench Press 12 Back Squat 8 Dumbbell Lunge (each) 8
Single Arm Row 12 Dumbbell Lunge (each) 10 Single Arm Back Row 12
Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2
Barbell Overhead Press 8 Back Squat 10 Barbell Dead lift 8
Dumbbell Kickbacks (each) 12 Barbell Rollout 14 Dumbbell Bench Press 12
Circuit 3 Circuit 3 Circuit 3
Pull-ups 12 Leg Press 10 Leg Press 10
Barbell Curl 8 Dumbbell Lunge (each) 12 Barbell Shoulder Press 12
Circuit 4 Circuit 4
Fly Cable 10 Hanging Leg Raise 12
Pushups Failure Barbell Roll Out 12


Day 5 Day6 Day7
exercise rep exercise rep exercise rep
Circuit 1 Circuit 1 Circuit 1
Dumbbell Bench Press 8 Back Squat 10 Barbell Dead lift 10
Cable Fly 12 Hanging Leg Raise 12 Barbell Overhead Press 12
Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2
Barbell Dead lift 8 Dumbbell Lunge (each) 8 Barbell Back Squat 12
Single Arm Row 12 Vertical Crunch w/ Medicine Ball 12 Single Arm Row 10
Circuit 3 Circuit 3 Circuit 3
Barbell Overhead Press 12 Leg Press 10 Pull-up 10
Reverse Fly 10 Barbell Roll Out 12 Hanging Leg Raise 12
Circuit 4 Circuit 4 Circuit 4
Pull-ups 12 Reverse Fly 12 Dumbbell Incline Curl 12
Front Raise w/ Plate 12 Vertical Crunch w/ Medicine Ball 10 Dumbbell Kickback 12


WEEK 6 – Total Body –

Goal: Power –

Day 1 – Off; Day 2 – Off; Day 3 – On; Day 4 – Off; Day 5 – On; Day 6 – Off; Day 7 – On

Day 3

(3 min. breaks between sets)

Day 5

(3 min. breaks between sets)

Day 7

(3 min. breaks between sets)

exercise sets rep exercise sets rep exercise sets rep
Leg Press 3 8, 6, 6 Barbell Back Squat 3 8, 6, 4 Leg Press 3 8, 6, 4
Barbell Deadlift 3 8, 6, 6 Barbell Overhead Press 3 8, 6, 4 Single Arm Row 3 8, 6, 4
Dumbbell Bench Press 3 8, 6, 6 Dumbbell Incline Curls 2 6 Barbell Curl 3 8, 6, 6
Dumbbell Kickbacks 3 8, 6, 6 Barbell Skull Crushers 2 6



WEEK 7 – Old School Bodybuilding Splits

 Goal: Strength and Hypertrophy

Day 1 – Off; Day 2 – On; Day 3 – On; Day 4 – On; Day 5 – Off; Day 6 – On; Day 7 – On

Day 2

(3 min. breaks between sets)

Day 3

(3 min. breaks between sets)

Day 4

(3 min. breaks between sets)

exercise sets rep exercise sets rep exercise sets rep
single Arm Row 4 10, 8, 8, 10 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press 4 10, 8, 8, 10 Leg Press 5 20, 20, 12, 10, 10
Barbell Deadlifts 4 10, 8, 8, 10 Dumbbell Bench Press 4 10, 8, 8, 10 Barbell Back Squat 4 10
Dumbbell Incline Curls 4 12, 10, 10, 12 Dumbbell Kickbacks 4 12, 8, 8, 12 Dumbbell Lunges 4 10 each leg
Barbell Curls 4 8, 6, 6, 8 Barbell Skull Crushers 5 12, 8, 8, 8, 12
Pullups 4 Failure Cable Flyes 4 12, 12, 10, 10


Day 6

(3 min. breaks between sets)

Day 7

(3 min. breaks between sets)

exercise sets rep exercise sets rep
Front Raises w/ Plate 4 8-10 Russian Twist w/25-30lb Dumbbells 8 20 sec. full intensity
Barbell Overhead Press 4 8, 6, 6, 8 Vertical Crunch w/ Medicine Ball 8 10
Dumbbell Reverse Fly 4 10, 8, 8, 10
Vertical Crunch w/ Medicine Ball 4 12 (increase intensity)
Hanging Leg Raises 4 12



WEEK 8 – Old School Bodybuilding Splits

Goal: Strength and Hypertrophy

Day 1 – On; Day 2 – On; Day 3 – On; Day 4 – Off; Day 5 – On; Day 6 – On; Day 7 – On

Day 1 (60 sec. break b/w sets)  Day 2  Day 3 (60 sec. rest b/w sets)
Exercise Sets Reps exercise Reps exercise sets rep
Barbell Deadlift 5 10, 10, 8, 8, 8 Jog (Warm up) 5 min. Dumbbell Chest Press 5 10, 10, 8, 8, 8
Single Arm Dumbbell Row 4 10, 10, 8, 8 Sprint 20 sec. Pushups (add weight if needed) 4 10, 10, 8, 8
Pullups 4 10, 10, 8, 8 Walk 40 sec Cable Flyes 4 10, 10, 8, 8
Barbell Curls 5 10, 10, 8, 8, 8 Repeat sprint/walk 10 times


Barbell Skull Crushers 5 10, 10, 8, 8, 8
Incline Dumbbell Curls 4 10, 10, 8, 8 Dumbbell Triceps Kickbacks 4 10, 10, 8, 8
Cable Curls 4 10, 10, 8, 8 Dumbbell Reverse Grip Pushdowns 4 10, 10, 8, 8


Day 5 (60 sec. rest b/w sets) Day 6 (60 sec. rest b/w sets) Day 7 (complete circuit 2 times)
exercise sets rep exercise sets rep exercise rep
Barbell Back Squat 5 10, 10, 8, 8, 8 Barbell Overhead Shoulder Press 5 10, 10, 8, 8, 8 Spin Bike Reps
Leg Press 5 10, 10, 8, 8, 8 Front Raises w/ Plate 4 10, 10, 8, 8 Warm up 5 min.
Dumbbell Lunge 4 10 Dumbbell Reverse Flyes 5 15, 12, 10, 10, 10 Increase Resistance-Fast 20 sec.
Hanging Leg Raise 3 15 Slow 10 sec.
Barbell Roll Outs 3 15 Repeat 5 min.
Vertical Crunch w/ Medicine Ball 3 15 Ride Slow 2 min

Back Squat

Barbell Skull Crushers


Russian Twist w 25-30lb Dumbbells


Leg Press

Barbell Overhead Press


Dumbbell Lunge (each)

Fly Cable


Single Arm Dumbbell Row

Barbell Rollout


Dumbbell Reverse Grip Pushdowns

Front Raise Plate

Single Arm Row


Barbell shoulders Press



Hanging Leg Raise

Reverse Fly

Vertical Crunch w Medicine Ball