Making New Year’s resolutions to get healthier? Let Tabibi help you with these 5 easy -to follow health goals!
Goal 1: Shut down
Between work and commitments, our batteries get drained. Take a chance to escape the noise, disconnect for a while so you can be at your full capacity when you reconnect.
Goal 2: Save a life
Take a First-aid course. Being well oriented with first-aid basics is critical, you might not be a doctor, but you can still save a life!.
Goal 3: New mom? Get ready early!
Dealing with a newborn and got your hands full? Make sure to attend breastfeeding, vaccinations and parenting events held in well trusted places.
Winner 4: Family time
Cut down on your digital habits and do more family time. Family dinners bring a lot of benefits for all members. Try to have fixed family times to reconnect with your loved ones.
Goal 5: Know the health basics
- Water is your best friend, have it around always.
- Hand hygiene can save you tons of money spent on drugs.
- Avoid antibiotics unless prescribed by a doctor.
- Know your risks, learn more about preventive vaccine and routine screening.
- Physical activity and a healthy diet, and cut down on salt and sugar.
- Read, listen and stay positive.
TABIBI family wishes you all a safe and a happy new year, full of passion, compassion and achievements.
This article was brought to you by Tabibi 24/7, Cairo’s leading Family Medicine & Pediatrics group practice. Tabibi operates 24/7 and offers its services at the comfort of your own home or in one of its clinics.
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