Stars May 2016


The major theme this May will be a Mercury Retrograde. It’s a time when you can easily be irritated by delays, equipment breakdowns and mixed messages. As Mercury rules contracts, communication, education, thinking, perception, publishing, broadcasting, social media, radio, TV, data and transportation we need to pay extra attention to these matters. Double check text messages and Facebook posts before you press the send button. Better to be safe than sorry. P.S. Don’t forget to peek at your rising sign as well if you know it.


Our Birthday Sign



21 April –21 May

If your birthday falls in the first week of May it should be a lovely start to the month. Jupiter beams a good measure of luck your way, feel happy and count your blessings. This also counts for the days around the 9th and 10th, when Jupiter goes into direct motion, there are opportunities that should be seized, second chances may not come around quickly. Don’t let yourself be rushed into taking romantic decisions around the 13th or 14th. Think things through.



21 March –20 April

Finances could be uppermost in your mind these days; it looks a bit like a rollercoaster. It’s probably not the best time for making any large-scale commitments or purchases, if you are in the planning stage of something make sure you double-check your facts. The 9th and 10th are key days for meetings and agreements. Try to seal any deals after the 22nd. Work matters are looking positive; you should be on a roll. Keep that good mood and success is sure to follow.


 22 May –21 June

Your ruling planet Mercury is in retrograde motion for most of May in your solar 12th house. Ouch! Conspiracy theories abound, rumours and gossip stir up undercurrents, yet nothing seems to be clear. Smart Gemini will stay on course and avoid becoming a victim to speculation. Think carefully about what information you should keep up your sleeve and what you should share. You will find things falling into place for you in the latter part of the month.


22 June –22 July

If you are still trying to get back on your feet after what could have been a tough time during April you can expect a few good days this month when life will take on a rosier glow. The period around the 9th to 11th of May should restore your faith in the world to some extent. Friends and people you spend time with could unexpectedly be a greater source of emotional support than you anticipated. This should be clear around the 13th and 14th, so it is a great time to arrange a get-together.


23 July –22 August

No Leo likes to feel ignored, let’s face it; you can handle being in the spotlight more than any sign. It seems that your public persona needs to get out there a bit to get the right attention, so don’t turn down invitations to mix and mingle when they pop up. Any efforts you make could reflect in an improved financial situation, so be on the lookout for career opportunities and business solutions. Look your usual radiant self, when Leo turns on the charm everyone else pales in comparison. Best dates are around the 9th and 10th of May.


23 August –23 September

The planets are busy in fellow earth sign Taurus as the month kicks off. That suits Virgo down to the ground. Your mind may be venturing out into new territory, or reminiscing paths trodden before. Travel could be a possibility, or maybe you are feeling nostalgic about wonderful trips from the past. Don’t be surprised if someone from a distance reappears in your life; make the most of any chance to re-bond. The days to watch are around the 9th, when Jupiter goes back into direct motion in your birth sign, and between the 13th and 15th. Seize the moment.


24 September – 23 October

This is a month for prioritizing, especially when it comes to finances. Old debts may resurface so organize yourself in order to be able to handle them. Ok, Ok, it’s not all doom and gloom, but it’s best to get the bad news out of the way first. The flip side of the coin is that you can possibly come up with an improved credit arrangement, or easier terms on something, so look into available options. Double-check all information you receive around the 22nd.


24 October –22 November

It seems that Scorpio guys and gals are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of having a significant other in their lives. There is special connection to Taureans these days; the old adage ‘opposites attract’ has never rung truer. If you have managed to stay uncommitted to this point, the days between the 5th and 11th of May could see you succumb. Married Scorpios can use this as a month to revive their relationships, and treasure a special bond of closeness. The trick question is, can you relinquish control enough?


23 November –21 December

Work and health, or health and work; whichever you think is more important, both can benefit from your focus this May. Diets and workout plans could have a high success rate so don’t delay if you feel out of shape. It is a great month for organizing your routine and wardrobe, get rid of outworn habits and outworn clothing. Why not invest in some stylish new threads? Think quality, go for items that will stand up to hard wear and tear and still look good.


22 December –20 January

This is your month for pampering your spouse and children. Or, of course, if you are single, working on a plan to find your dream mate so you can settle down and, guess what? Yes, have someone to pamper. You could be making plans for a trip, there is a definite buzz linked to far-flung destinations these days. This month has so many opportunities to further your goals you will need to be on your toes to keep up with the pace. Stellar days are the 10th and 13th of May.


21 January –19 February

Things might not be cerebral enough for the average Aquarian this month. It is all too much about getting down to the nitty-gritty and the essentials of life. Take refuge within your own four walls if you find it a battle to communicate with anyone about the things dear to your heart. A spot of spring-cleaning would probably not go amiss while you are at it. If your budget allows, why not invest in some stylish cushions and home accessories to lift your mood.


20 February –20 March

A relationship that seems to have been on hold may have a chance of being rekindled. The ball could be in your court, even if it means swallowing your pride and making the first move. The 9th and 10th of May are tailor-made for a special date, or even just a movie night at home. Don’t be shy about sharing your feelings on the 13th and 14th, if you don’t take a risk you may miss out. Jupiter, your co-ruling planet, goes back into direct motion on the  9th in your 7th house of marriage and close ties, so get on board!.

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