Seeing the Big Picture


Seeing the Big Picture

By Hilary Diack

Our lives are intertwined; family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, our local community, and the strangers we interact with every day. How mindful are we about our actions or lack of action and how this can impact the lives of others? Cairo East Magazine comes up with some thought- provoking reads this month.


What is a juicy snippet of news for some could be a cause of pain or embarrassment for the victim, let’s try to be more discreet and considerate.


We deal with this issue in depth in our article this month. Hands up any one who pleads guilty!


Those early years when your children soak up everything they are exposed to like little sponges are vitally important. More reason to be alert to what messages you are giving them.


With a long summer break ahead and the Holy Month of Ramadan this is an ideal time to get your teens involved in helping the community. It could be an empowering experience in a positive way.


Treat yourself well and it should come naturally to extend the same care to others. Mind Body Green gives us a good first step.


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