Being the Egyptian national holiday that marks the beginning of spring, Sham El Nessim gives reason to Egyptians to gather with family and friends and enjoy the season’s traditional food: fesikh. This year we chose to share a healthy...
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Pore Refining

The Products You Need for a Flawless Pore-Less Look Many factors affect the complexion of our skin, among them are whether or not we drink enough water, eat a healthy diet, or say no to smoking. The kind of products...
Hop straight into spring by celebrating Easter and Sham El Nessim in some of the loveliest spots in town. Cairo hotels have come up with tempting menus and activities for all the family, so if you ever needed a...

Breezin’ Along

Discover the Joy of Kite-surfing and Windsurfing By Hilary Diack With so many good accredited schools in Egypt now offering lessons and equipment hire packages for every level, from the 'how can I avoid getting my hair wet' novice to the...
From the expanse of the Western Desert, with its lush oases of Bahareya, Dakhla and Siwa to the upper reaches of the mighty Nile, or across the mountainous Sinai ranges to the beach of Basata, Cairo West Magazine has...
Step By Step Guide Create your Own Amazing Easter Eggs. Get the whole family together, hard-boil some eggs, and let your creativity and imagination run free. Create your own collection of colorful eggs to make the day really special. Start...
Shared working spaces are becoming a global trend and a haven for freelancers, students, and entrepreneurs. Cairo has its finger on the pulse with some of these spaces popping up in the city. One such place offering solace to...
By Maeri Frances It seems only yesterday that a retrograde Mercury played havoc with our daily routines, and yet, here we go again. At least we know the drill, back up computers, don't delay that maintenance on your car, and...