March Stars 2016

With two eclipses livening things up, we are in a for a month that should be anything but dull. The full solar eclipse on the 9th of March will have the strongest impact on people born during the third week of the mutable signs Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius, or anyone with personal planets in those locations. Fiery Mars enters Sagittarius this month as well, so expect more impulsive behaviour from those around you. Don’t forget to read your rising sign as well if you know it.



Our Birthday Sign


20 February –20 March

As March opens you should have a fairly smooth time, but be ready for a solar eclipse on the 9th, when people whose birthday falls on or near that date may find things getting a little more exciting. It could prove to be a turning point of sorts, when you move in a new direction. Other dates that stand out are the 12th, when lovely Venus enters your sign, and the  20th when she teams up with Neptune, again in your birth sign. You can expect romance to reach blissful heights.



21 March –20 April

It’s true that you enjoy a fast-paced life, and this March may seem a little slow, for the first week at least. Then you get a boost when Mars, your ruling planet enters fire- ruled Sagittarius. Expect philosophical challenges, travel with a tinge of adventure for some, and an increased appetite for conquering new fields of experience. Things liven up even more  after the 20th when you benefit from having the Sun back in your birth sign, closely followed by Mercury. Plans suddenly start falling into place!



21 April –21 May

The planetary energies early in the month look quite supportive for earth-ruled Taurus. Tensions may ease in close relationships when Mars moves out of your close relationship zone, but don’t relax too much. There could be a spot of pressure coming up over financial matters, so make sure your bills are paid up to date. The 16th and 26th are days when you can push your luck a little, later in the month you may need to work behind the scenes until you feel the time is right to make a move.



 22 May –21 June

Although you prefer negotiation to direct confrontation you may find someone pushing your buttons a bit too much this March. Resist the temptation to let fly, it may be difficult to undo the damage. Particularly touchy days are around the 5th, especially if your birthday is in the first couple of days of Gemini. The eclipse of the 9th falls across your career and domestic points, so you may need to sort out your priorities in these areas. After the 11th Venus will be in your solar 10th house,  putting you in the spotlight, look your best!



22 June –22 July

There is a big focus on romance and relationships, as well as kids and pets this month. It seems that your giving and nurturing nature is being called upon in every direction of your life these days. It may pile up a bit on you if you don’t take some time for yourself, watch out for health issues in the second part of the month. If you have a chance to slip out of town for a break, especially after the 12th, don’t think twice. The 16th is a good day is a great day for expressing yourself, tell someone how you feel.



23 July –22 August

As temperature levels start to warm, so should your mood. Let’s face it, winter isn’t really your thing, is it? Pluto is still lingering in your 6th house, so your bones may be a little troublesome, especially around the knees. Routine responsibilities may seem extra burdensome this month, be patient. The 16th looks good for finances, if you have a business meeting it should be fruitful, or maybe good news is coming your way. There could be a chance of unplanned travel, so be ready to change plans at the drop of a hat.


23 August –23 September

Control-freak Virgo may have a few challenging moments this month when other people seem to be calling the shots. The message could be for you to loosen up a bit and see things in a new light. The eclipse of the 9th may drive the message home in no uncertain way. Matters on the home front may be frustrating, so don’t take on major work there unless you really have to. The 16th and 26th are days that should brighten you up, bookmark them for special meetings.




24 September – 23 October

Work and health matters should be top of your list as March gets under way. Try to get as much as possible done in the first couple of weeks, as there seems to be a lot of running around and communication to deal with in the second half of the month. When Venus lights up your 6th house after the 12th it is a great time to catch up on your beauty routines, and maybe add a few items to your wardrobe. Time spent alone on the 16th could be useful in helping you realign yourself and identify your goals.



24 October –22 November

Some things seem to go hand-in-hand. A nice surge of activity with planets creating energy in your 5th house of romance, kids, hobbies and let’s face it, self-indulgence, is putting pressure on your 2nd house of income and finances. You need to think long term and strategically about this. The 11th and 12th are great days for catching a movie, or pursuing something creative, while the 16th offers some great in-depth conversations or brainstorming sessions with friends or a group with shared interests.



23 November –21 December

It’s a hectic month for Sagittarians; Mars starts a transit of your birth sign on the 6th of March, and Saturn turns retrograde, also still in your sign, on the 25th. With two conflicting energies you will not know whether it is time to go full steam ahead, or slow and steady. The end result could be exhaustion and frazzled nerves. Try to balance the two, and avoid taking risks, especially with sharp or heavy objects. Leave the hard work to someone else, especially if it involves home repairs. Career matters look good on the 16th.



22 December –20 January

March may have you spending more time than usual mixing and mingling with groups of friends and neighbors. You have plenty to say, and will not be shy when it comes to sharing your point of view. You may risk ruffling a few feathers and stirring  up some criticism, so practise tact and discretion where possible. The 20th will see you at your inspired and eloquent best, go with the flow.



21 January –19 February

After a period of intense work activity you may detect a swing towards more social activity. Don’t expect it to be of the laid-back relaxing variety; it could be tiring keeping up with the whirl. Money matters may improve this month, but don’t count on it lasting forever. Joint financial plans could be promising, especially around the 16th, but keep it under your hat, don’t attract envy from people who feel left out.