Tabibi: Staying Positive During Stressful Times: Health Routine for Quarantine


Structure can be helpful for our mental health in uncertain times. Try out these 10 tips to get the best out of your day while keeping your mental and physical health at their best.

  • Wake up, get dressed and have breakfast.
  • If you work at home and your kids are home schooled, let everyone pick his or her favorite spot to get things done.
  • If you have kids, build a “learning, exercise and breaks” timetable.
  • Schedule time for keeping your bodies healthy.

Did you know that physical activity has some benefits on brain health, especially after moderate to vigorous exercise? Make sure to have physical activity on your regular daily routine to keep your brain and body sharp and also reduce anxiety and encourage better sleep.

Couple your physical activity with a healthy diet. Drink plenty of water, schedule well-balanced meals. Take this chance to consider quitting smoking.

  • Maintain social connections. Make sure to specify a time of your day to keep in touch with your loved ones. Physical distancing should not make you socially distant from your friends and family. Try switching off the TV to talk or play a game with your children, friends or family. Specify times for reading or watching a movie or exercising together. Take some time to discuss your worries with someone you trust. Know that it is ok to feel worried and helpless about the current situation.
  • Revive your favorite hobby. Do something you love throughout your day. Or learn a new skill.
  • Take time to relax. Consider it a break from our fast-paced life. Engage your senses every day and try to make it a daily habit. Your meditation can be easy with Yoga or some walking.
  • Take care of your sleeping habits. Even if you’re staying home, quality good sleep is critical.
  • Take some time off from the news, decrease your exposure to COVID-19 news. Try to set a specific time in your day to read the news from trustworthy sources.


This article was brought to you by Tabibi 24/7, Cairo’s leading Family Medicine & Pediatrics group practice. Tabibi operates 24/7 and offers its services at the comfort of your own home or in one of its clinics.
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