creative egypt


Recently opened in Mohandessin ,Creative Egypt is a Veritable treasure trove of colorful and highly covetable products, all with a distinctly Egyptian twist. Cairo East Magazine chatted with the Creative Egypt team to learn more.

CEM: How did Creative Egypt come about?

In a country known for its rich and unique cultural heritage, Egyptian ethnic and craft industries are considered to be a sustainable source of income for a large percentage of the Egyptian labor force.

Since its establishment in 2009, IMC (Industrial Modernization Center) has maintained its support for the Egyptian handicrafts sector. The Creative Clusters development program has the objective of engaging small and micro enterprises, artisans and marginalized people at the base of the pyramid into a business value chain. The program integrates creative clusters into the national and international supply chains of ethnic products and handicrafts, through increasing competitiveness and market penetration opportunities. The program focuses on product development; it provides small producers with the close assistance and technical support to develop and promote their products.

In 2014, IMC revisited the program looking at reviving it and giving it more sustainable grounds to grow. Accordingly, it launched the first website for Egyptian creative industries and handicrafts entitled Creative Egypt and finalized the legal registry of Creative Egypt trademark as the first Egyptian brand for handmade products from Egypt. >>

What inspired Creative Egypt to open a new space at Omar Effendi?

By February 2015, the feasibility study came up with a market plan that acclaimed a more sustainable and continuous access to the market. Accordingly, there were talks with Egypt’s Prime Minister during his visit to the Creative Egypt Pavilion at Furnex, requesting an outlet for those producers to display their products. The PM, witnessing the effort and development of the clusters, took immediate action and facilitated the provision of an outlet at Omar Effendi, one of Egypt’s largest state-owned department stores. The new phase has now been implemented and the grand opening was on the 15th of September.

How many artisans do you have displaying their items?

Creative Egypt features distinguished handmade products made by more than 16,000 craftsmen and entrepreneurs representing 45 of the oldest crafts in 17 governorates across Egypt, all of which use authentic Egyptian materials as well as unique crafting methods and techniques.

How often will it change? Is it seasonal?

Our efforts are to keep Creative Egypt products dynamic and innovative to meet the customers’ expectations. Product development is at the core of Creative Egypt market approach. A proactive technique to stimulate the market with novel and inspiring products takes place regularly in an adequate manner that bears in mind that the production cycle of handmade products is of specific nature and is lengthier compared to manufactured products and requires special attention to details and quality. On different national and religious occasions and celebrations, we welcome our guests and customers with products of limited editions especially designated for such days. This is in addition to a continuous update of handmade products and the introduction of new designs and ranges, giving customers the luxury to pick and choose from different alternatives.

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