Art Scene

for December 2015


Mashrabia Gallery

Artist: Amre Heiba

When: 29th November –  7th January 2016

Address: 8, Champollion St.Downtown


Details: Mashrabia Gallery is delighted to present Slowly, the latest solo show by artist Amre Heiba. The exhibition consists of canvases inspired by William Empson’s poem ‘Missing Dates’ .




Hala Abu Shady

Artist: Hala Abu Shady

When: 2nd November –  20th December  2015

Address: 8, Champollion St.Downtown


Details: Mashrabia Gallery of Contemporary Art is delighted to present It Takes a Fool to Remain Sane, a group exhibition specially released for the premises of the Office for International Cooperation of the Embassy of Switzerland. For the show, Mashrabia Gallery brings together the works of eight promising artists who have developed a unique and contemporary visual language to approach peculiar issues of our era.


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Safarkhan Gallery

Artist: Dr. Abdel Salam Eid

When: December  2015

Address: 6, Brazil St., Zamalek


Details: Safarkhan is proud to invite you to the second exhibition of one of Egypt’s most renowned Alexandrian artist Dr. Abdel Salam Eid.



UBUNTU Art Gallery

Artist: Shereen Mostafa “Many Rivers To Cross”

When: 18th November 5th December 2015

Address: 20 Hassan Sabry street (entrance from Ibn Zinki)


Details: UBUNTU Art Gallery has the pleasure to invite you to the opening.