3 Lifestyle Tips from Designer Amina K


There has to be a knack for creating a rapidly expanding fashion business, while raising a new baby. Cairo West Magazine got the answers from lovely new mom, Amina Khalil.


CWM: Amina, what are the biggest challenges of following a career and raising children?

AK: It’s largely about time management. You need to be able to juggle your obligations, and sometimes say no to work demands. Importantly, learn to delegate. Invest time in creating a strong team around you so things get done, but free you from having to be involved in day-to-day tasks.


What are the 3 most important things a working mother should always make time for?

  1. Always be there at bedtime. It is the best time for bonding.
  2. My son is only 11 months old, so when I am home with him he is given my full, undivided attention.
  3. Learn to prioritize; your child should be number one.


How do you keep a family close when everyone has a busy schedule?

Weekends are kept for family time, it is so important. During the week I don’t work late, rarely after 5 pm, and three times a week we enjoy a late lunch together.


What are the best and worst decisions you’ve ever made?

The best was having my baby. I love motherhood; it has completed and grounded me. I have learned what matters, and what doesn’t. I don’t have regrets about any decisions I have made; every decision is a learning experience.


What woman inspires you and why?

Azza Fahmy. She has a wonderful work ethic and also gives back a lot to the community through her workshops. Above all, she is a great mother, and has served as an inspiration to her two daughters.


What was your dream job as a child and why?

I’m doing it! I always wanted to be a fashion designer.


What is your favourite app? 



What parenting advice would you give?

For any mother, working or not, be comfortable with the decisions you make.

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