Food Allergies vs. Food intolerances


By Jennifer Walton

Ibn Hayan Lab in Arkan Plaza has introduced a new technology in Egypt that might be able to explain your unresolved health problems.  Cairo East Magazine paid a visit to Dr. Nesma Tallawy to get the details.

Food Detective, pioneered in the United Kingdom is the latest technology in food allergy and intolerance testing. The test is simple and painless. A lab technician will prick your thumb or finger one or two times to withdraw the necessary blood sample. A blood analysis will evaluate your Immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels in response to 46 different possible food allergens. In addition to determining the presence of food allergies, the lab is able to use this technology to evaluate the patient’s sensitive and intolerance to foods.

Food allergies and their accompanying physical response are well known to us. It is not uncommon for allergies to appear in young children and remain with individuals throughout their lives, while others out grow them. Reactions are immediate and the trigger should be withdrawn from the person’s diet in order to prevent allergic reaction in the future. We are familiar with what allergic reactions look like: skin rash, swelling and shortness of breath are among the most common symptoms. The onset is immediate and knowledge of the cause helps one to prevent an allergic reaction by withdrawing the catalyst food allergen from one’s diets.

There is a more subtle offender wreaking havoc on the body’s immune system. Food sensitivities and intolerances are the underlying culprit of many of our health complaints and problems. While an allergic reaction to food is immediately noticeable, food intolerances wreak havoc on the body slowly over time. Initially, symptoms masquerade inconspicuously throughout the body. Your persistent headaches, flatulence, bloating, fatigue, aches and pains are your body’s reaction to food sensitivities and intolerances.

A host of auto immune diseases can also be attributed to food intolerances. The most common food sensitivities people experience are from gluten and cow’s milk although intolerance and sensitivity levels vary from person to person.

Food Detective

Unknowingly, individuals consume food items which they are intolerant to several times a day. This causes inflammation in the body, which lays the foundation for a host of health complaints and diseases. IgG are antibodies produced by an individual’s immune system, causing an inflammatory response against the body’s own tissues. The Food Detective test measures the presence of IgG response in the blood relative to several possible offending foods. The greater the response, the greater the inflammatory offense to your body’s immune system.

The main advantage of this test is the simplicity. The test can be completed in a few minutes, with results made available in a few hours. It is comfortable for adults and children alike. Traditional allergy tests can be awkward, uncomfortable and time consuming. The manufacturers of Food Detective boast a 90% accuracy rate.


Food Intolerance and the Inflammatory Response

A growing body of research shows strong correlation between inflammation and a host of auto immune diseases and disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, thyroiditis and Crohn’s disease. Chronic inflammation in the body also curbs weight loss and one’s ability to maintain a healthy weight. The major food offenders are also thought to contribute to anxiety, irritability, depression, lack of concentration and lethargy.

Unfortunately, traditional western medicine does not see the value in uncovering underlying food sensitivities and intolerances. However, there is a bourgeoning body of research demonstrating the importance of reducing inflammation in the body in order to improve overall health and prevent disease. Some individuals report that they have reversed their illness and symptoms by removing foods from their diets that they have shown intolerance to.

Being empowered with the knowledge of what foods ones is sensitive or intolerant to will help a person to make the necessary changes to their diet to begin relieving painful physical and mental symptoms. Prescription medications may address some of your complaints, but they do not cure or address the undying problem.

Imagine being able to cure yourself of what ails you. Imagine an increase in energy, reduction of stress, greater concentration and pain reduction. Imagine being able to accomplish this with no side effects or the deleterious effects of prescription medication.  This convenient, painless technology is now available in Egypt and it could change your life.

Controlling your Consumption

Once you have acquired the knowledge about your body’s food sensitivities, it is important to be aware of possible food allergens and sensitivities in the food you buy and consume. Imported food products are most often required by the law in their country to list the main possible food allergens on their product. It is important to do your research about the local and imported products you purchase and consume in restaurants.

It is also important to know and understand the names and terms that your food intolerances might be called and where they might appear. For example, casein, which is a protein derived from cow’s milk traditionally found in dairy products sometimes makes an appearance in cereals, non-dairy beverages, crackers and processed meats. Arming yourself with the knowledge of your body’s sensitivities will allow you to make informed food choices and prevent yourself from discomfort and health problems.

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