3 Important Motherhood Tips from Super-Mom Rania Shahin


By Shorouk Abbas

Keeping abreast of global fashion trends, and bringing nothing but the pick of the bunch to Cairo’s discerning fashionistas is more than a full-time job. But somehow Rania Shahin manages to look totally in control, handling her trendy boutique in up-market First Mall with as much aplomb as she manages her busy family life. She took time out to chat with Cairo West Magazine.

CWM: Rania, tell us about the biggest challenges of following a career and raising children?
In order to have a career and kids you have to have a career that you love. When you enjoy your career it adds to your life joy instead of adding stress. No matter what, you need to have perfect time management skills.  And to always prioritize your kids so you don’t live with guilt and stop enjoying your work.

What are the 3 most important things a working mother should always make time for?
You need to make time for school meetings, events in your kids’ lives and daily time, even if it’s twenty minutes to talk one on one with your children about their day and yours. You also need them to ask you about your day at work, and you must ask about their day at school. Showing interest in each other’s day when you’re not together.

How do you keep a family close when everyone has a busy schedule?
In order to keep the family close you need to build a sense of interest in each other’s life and to make important dates sacred for all family members.

What was your dream job as a kid and why?
As a kid I wanted to be an architect.

What are the best and worst decisions you’ve ever made?

The best decision I have ever made was to start a business.
The worst one was not to have a team when I started. Now that I have a team, and it’s not a one- man- show anymore, it’s less stressful and more pleasurable.

What parenting advice would you give?
The best parenting advice is to be consistent in everything you do. The sense of structure that work responsibility teaches you must be generalized in everything you do and most of all utilized positively, by reflecting it onto your kids. Kids who grow up being consistent and able to finish tasks and know how to prioritize are proven to be more successful and happier.


What is your favorite app?
Reminders, it’s the best time management app around.


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