15 Tips for Saving Electricity

There’s more to it than battling rising electricity bills, you know. It’s very much about cutting down on the use of fossil fuels and tapping into renewable energy sources. Our planet will love you for it!

  • Use natural air flow, open windows to cool down a house, but make sure your mosquito screens are in place.
  • Fans use less electricity than an air-conditioning unit.
  • If you must use your air-conditioning, try to keep the space closed to minimize any loss of cool air.
  • Don’t aim to cool the whole house, try to keep your activities to one or two rooms.
  • Set your water heater to a lower temperature, especially in summer. Take shorter showers and also save water by using a smaller shower head.
  • If an appliance is not in use, turn it off or completely unplug it. Power down your computer and unplug it at the end of the day. That goes for phone chargers as well.
  • Reduce your use of electric appliances where possible.
  • Wash clothes on a cooler cycle and try to reduce the number of washes you do each week. Wait until you have a full load.
  • Change over to LED lighting, and use solar-powered lighting in outdoor areas. Replacing regular incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs is a big energy saver.
  • Make use of natural light by using sheer or light weight curtains.
  • Turn off the light when you leave a room.
  • Replace old appliances like refrigerators with energy-saving models.
  • Insulate your home by making sure there are good seals on the doors and windows. Insulation conserves cool air-conditioned air in the summer and retains heat in the winter.
  • Consider solar water heating panels if you have roof space. The initial investment may be steep, but it will pay off long term.

Even better, install solar energy panels to power your home, and sell the excess back to the electricity company! Local solar companies can guide you on the A-Z of becoming self-sufficient energy-wise and turning a profit as well. Yes, it needs a cash layout, but pays off long term.

Cairo Solar
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Green Track
Tel: 0102 508 3000

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Facebook: @KarmSolar

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Facebook: @solarizegypt