Your 2018 Love Forecast


By Maeri Frances

Does Cupid have you in his sights this year? Whether you have already found Mr. or Ms. Right, or are still hopeful, let’s take a look at how the stars are boosting your romantic prospects for 2018. Bear in mind that Venus, the planet of love, goes into retrograde motion from October 6th to November 16th, so don’t push relationship matters too hard around those dates. Don’t forget, your rising sign plays a big role, so check that out as well if you know it.


With so much of your energy directed to your career and matters in the world at large, you may need a gentle nudge this year when it comes to affairs of the heart. March is the time to update your look and attract the right sort of attention, and the second half of June could be the best time to plan a romantic summer break.

February focus: Although all the hype is about the 14th, your most romantic day is actually the 7th. Be original and celebrate early! You also need time for yourself this month to avoid burnout, plan this carefully.


Partnership matters have been receiving a lot of support in the past months, and there is still a lot of love coming your way. April is the time for singles to shine, and mid-July has some lovely days for togetherness in a relaxed environment. Mark the 22nd of July for a date night to remember.

February focus: The Valentine’s mood gets going for you from the 11th of the month. The 14th could be subject to mix-ups and confused plans, but don’t worry too much as events on the 16th should make up for it.


If your love life has been subject to blockages and delays in past months, you can feel a lot more optimistic about 2018. Steps taken now should blossom into something good by 2019. Singles may find romance in their workplace, or through connections made in their job. A shared interest in wellbeing or fitness may play an introductory role.

February focus: The 16th shines for you, but don’t let your emotions run wild, as there is potential for misunderstandings and hurt feelings on the 17th. Maybe you have decided to go more public with a relationship?



Benevolent Jupiter is still offering opportunities in your sector of romance, children and creativity for most of the year. That’s the good news. Committed relationships are a little more complicated, with planetary heavies Saturn and Pluto spotlighting a need for compromise, patience and responsibility. Handled wisely, you could create liaisons that can stay the course.

February focus: Once you can get through the first week and its theme of sorting out financial issues you should be able to kick back and enjoy the love… especially on the 16th, which has lovely energy.


As temperatures warm up, so does Leo’s zest for life and love. A golden tan looks better on you than anyone, so make a point of hitting the beach before the crowds. The last 10 days of June should be blissful and you will not be short of admiring glances. But, winter also holds potential for new attractions, from November onwards. Singles, hit the gym!

February focus: Be open to new and slightly quirky people entering your life. This month you should sit back and let others call the shots, they will be attracted to you like moths to a flame. The 7th is a good day to get out and party.


You have been waiting patiently for a little amour to come your way, and this could be the year. The key to this lies in planetary support from practical earth signs. You should be feeling a lot more grounded and confident, and that in its’ self is attractive to others. Try to plan a trip with someone special to you during the second half of July.

February focus: Try to take your attention off the 9 to 5 and step away from work long enough to enjoy a bit of social activity. The second half of February looks promising, with inspirational people playing a role in your life.


Libra loves being in love; life without it would be impossible for you. So whether single or married, you will be happy to hear that your committed relationships are likely to become more stable this year. Domestic life may be more routine than you like, so it will be up to you to create a bit of magic with spontaneous gestures. August is the month for you this year, just be your usual outgoing and charming self.

February focus: What a great month this is for you! Be open to invitations from original and imaginative people who think outside of the box. The 3rd and 7th are standout days.


You may have been experiencing a period of personal growth, and sometimes that takes its toll on relationships. However, if you have managed to tap into your creative and intuitive side you should have been able to create a wonderful empathy with your significant other. Nurture that bond, and keep channels of communication deep and sincere. Make the most of the second week of September.

February focus: Keep the fires of love burning brightly by staying close to home. Intimate evenings with the one you love will work better than hitting the party scene. The 27th could be important.


This year may see a more mature version of you emerging, so hopefully your nearest and dearest will learn to adapt. You should have a better handle on managing your life, which will be an asset for single girls and guys looking to settle down. You still haven’t ditched your sense of humor or adventure though, thank heavens! The last two months of the year will open up all sorts of opportunities, both romantic and otherwise.

February focus: The first half of the month will probably see you really busy, so make up for that by having a more chilled second half. The 14th is a good time to voice your feelings for someone.


You can breathe a sigh of relief this year. It will be a year when people are much more realistic and ready to knuckle down to hard work. Not romantic enough? But it works for you. You can feel a lot of affection for people who share your values; it is the basis of good, solid relationships. Sudden attractions can be exciting for singles, especially around mid-May. September is a great time for being with your special person, plan quality time together.

February focus: Try to remember this month that it is not the gift, but the thought behind it. Even if finances are a bit tight, come up with something original and straight from the heart. The 16th looks special.


This year the important first step is to learn how to love your self more. Nothing can grow without that. Saturn and Pluto in your house of “let’s-put-it-to-the-side-and-deal-with-it-later” stuff are demanding that you deal with it now. Clear out your emotional clutter, face up to issues you have been in denial about, and hey, you will let the light come streaming in, along with a lot of the love you deserve.

February focus:  The planets are conspiring to make sure you actually have some fun this month. Venus flows through your birth sign in the early weeks, giving you a special aura. If people reach out, say, “yes”!


This year you feel more at ease with supportive earth energy to the fore. Your occasional burst of insecurity can be eased by having solid relationships with people who make you feel secure and protected. OK, so they can be a tad boring at times, but don’t be tempted to throw them away for the sake of a passing attraction without real substance.

February focus:  Let your heart grow a little bigger this month, you need the romance! The 21st and 27th are key days.

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