Privacy Policy


Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy


Please review the following User Agreement carefully before using this web site. You should also read the Cairo West Digital Limited Privacy Policy.

1. Introduction


1. General

This policy covers all sites produced by Cairo West Digital Limited (“Cairo West Digital”). Cairo West Digital is committed to safeguarding your privacy online. The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you what personal information Cairo West Digital collects and the purposes for which it uses this information. This policy may change from time to time so please check back here periodically. In reviewing this privacy policy, please read our Website terms and conditions. If you wish to contact Cairo West Digital concerning any matter relating to your personal information then please also contact data controller [email protected].

2. Disclosures

Cairo West Digital may disclose your information, under strict terms of confidentiality and restriction of use, to subsidiaries of Cairo West Digital who need to process personal data in the provision of any services. When you use “Cairo West Digital Websites” you are consenting to the disclosure of your personal information to Cairo West Digital subsidiaries. Cairo West Digital will not disclose any of your personal information to any other third parties without your express consent. However, under certain circumstances the force of law may require the provision of information to legal authorities. In order to maintain the integrity of its website and safeguard the interests of its subscribers Cairo West Digital will comply with any such legally binding request.

3. Information Collected

3.1. Identifiable information – Your information is collected when you register or fill in a form on a Cairo West Digital website, or you send an email to Cairo West Digital. The information that is provided by you will only be used for the purpose for which it is provided, unless you are informed otherwise at the time of giving the information. You may inform Cairo West Digital at any time if you wish Cairo West Digital to cease using your personal information.

3.2. Non identifiable information – Cairo West Digital will from time to time collect information from you that does not reveal your personal identity. Cairo West Digital uses this information for editorial purposes, and occasionally for other internal purposes. This information is only used in aggregate form and is not connected to any name, address or other personal identifying information.

4. Use of personal information

Cairo West Digital processes personal information for the purpose of providing a personalized service, conducting market research surveys, running competitions and providing you with information about products and services on offer. Cairo West Digital may from time to time use your contact information to tell you about news or events provided by Cairo West Digital or one of its strategic partners. You may opt-out of receiving such mailings, either when you register with Cairo West Digital or at any time afterwards. Cairo West Digital may also contact you with important information about your registration details even if you have opted-out of receiving promotional emails.

5. Use of Cookies

Cookies are small amounts of information that are sent to and are stored on your computer. They are used to identify you when you visit the site, and to make your use of the site more convenient for you. Cookies are used to remember usernames, passwords and preferences and to deliver a faster and more personalized service.

The Cairo West Digital site and service may contain advertisements created and provided by a third party. These advertisements may place Cookies on your computers that collect information about you and your use of the Internet. Cairo West Digital does not control the collection or use of your information by such advertisers and this privacy policy does not apply to such information.

If you do not wish to have Cookies placed on your computer you can disable Cookies on your Internet browser. Turning them off however will mean that you will not be able to enjoy the Cairo West Digital web sites to their fullest.

6. Links

There are links on Cairo West Digital web sites to third party web sites which Cairo West Digital has no control over. Cairo West Digital accepts no responsibility or liability for any third party practices on third party websites. Cairo West Digital advises you to carefully read 3rd party privacy statements prior to the use of any third party website.

8. Security This Website has security measures in place to protect against loss, misuse and alteration of your personal information under Cairo West Digital’s control. However no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure and whilst Cairo West Digital strives to protect your personal information, Cairo West Digital cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk. Once Cairo West Digital receives the transmission, Cairo West Digital makes best efforts to ensure the security on the system.

1.1. This website is owned and operated by Cairo West Digital Limited (“Cairo West Digital “).

1.2. These terms and conditions govern your use of this website (“Website”) produced by Cairo West Digital, including participation in the Website’s chat and bulletin-board or forum facilities (“Discussion Areas”).=

1.3. Please read these terms and conditions carefully. Since the Website is designed to provide a forum for the robust and free-flowing exchange of information, opinions and comments, and an enjoyable and informative experience for all, Cairo West Digital requires its users to abide by certain rules. Your use of the Website will constitute your agreement to comply with these terms and conditions.

1.4. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, please do not use the Website.

1.5. These terms and conditions may be modified by Cairo West Digital from time to time. Notice of revisions will be announced on this page. Continued use of the Website by you will constitute your acceptance of any changes or revisions to these terms and conditions, so it’s wise to check this page regularly.

1.6. Your failure to follow the Website’s rules, whether set out in these terms and conditions or posted at other locations on the Website, may result in termination of your access to the Website, without notice, in addition to Cairo West Digital ‘s other remedies.

2. Use of the Website by You 

2.1. All material on the Website belongs to Cairo West Digital or its licensors. You may retrieve and display content from the Website on a computer screen, print individual pages on paper (but not photocopy them) and store such pages in electronic form on disk (but not on any server or other storage device connected to a network) for your own personal, non-commercial use. You may not in any way make commercial or other unauthorized use, by publication, re-transmission, distribution, performance, caching or otherwise, of material obtained through the Website.

2.2. You may not authorize others to use the Website, and you are responsible for all of your own use of the Website. You agree not to use any obscene, indecent or offensive language, or to place on the Website any material that is false, defamatory, abusive, harassing or hateful. Further, you may not place on the Website any material that is encrypted, constitutes junk mail or unauthorized advertising, invades anyone’s privacy, encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence or give rise to civil liability, or that otherwise violates any local, state, national or international law or regulation. You agree to use the Website only for lawful purposes and you acknowledge that your failure to do so may subject you to civil and criminal liability.

2.3. Other than connecting to Cairo West Digital ‘s servers by HTTP requests using a Web browser, you may not attempt to gain access to Cairo West Digital ‘s servers by any means, including, without limitation, by using administrator passwords or by masquerading as an administrator while using the Website or otherwise.

2.4. You are responsible for ensuring that any material you provide to the Website or post in a Discussion Area, including but not limited to text, photographs and sound, does not violate the copyright, trademark, trade secret or any other personal or proprietary rights of any third party.

2.5. You agree not to disrupt, modify or interfere with the Website or its associated software, hardware and servers in any way, and you agree not to impede or interfere with others’ use of the Website. You further agree not to alter or tamper with any information or materials on, or associated with, the Website.

2.6. You acknowledge that Cairo West Digital has not reviewed and does not endorse the content of all sites linked to from this Website and is not responsible for the content or actions of any other sites linked to from this Website. Linking to any other service or site from this Website is at your sole risk.

3. Links

3.1. Any third party web site that links to this web site must not: – create a frame or any other browser or border environment around the content of this site; – imply that Cairo West Digital is endorsing it or its products or services; – use any Cairo West Digital trademark displayed on any Cairo West Digital web site without permission from Cairo West Digital; – infringe any intellectual property or other right of any person; – be a web site that contains content that could be construed as distasteful, offensive or controversial.

3.2. Cairo West Digital expressly reserves the right to request that any link in breach of these terms be removed and to take whatever other action it deems appropriate.

4. Use of Material Posted by You 

4.1. Postings to the Discussion Areas are not private. You grant Cairo West Digital and its designees a perpetual royalty free non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, translate, transmit, distribute and sub-license any information or material you supply or communicate to the Website via such postings, in any medium now in existence or hereafter developed, for any purpose, including commercial uses.

4.2. All other information and material you supply or communicate to the Website is governed by the Privacy Policy, which is accessible at any time from the bottom of any page on the Website.

5. Copyright Complaints

5.1. Cairo West Digital respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. Cairo West Digital may, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, terminate the access of users, subscribers and account holders who infringe the copyright rights of others.

5.2. If you believe that your work has been copied and is accessible on any Cairo West Digital web site in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or that the web site contains links or other references to another online location that contains material or activity that infringes your copyright, please contact Cairo West Digital.

6. Comments by Users Are Not Endorsed by Cairo West Digital

6.1. Cairo West Digital does not necessarily endorse, support, sanction, encourage, verify or agree with the comments, opinions or statements posted by users in Discussion Areas or elsewhere in the Website. Any information or material placed online by users, including advice and opinions, is the view and responsibility of those users and does not necessarily represent the view of Cairo West Digital.

7. Competitions and Prizes

7.1. From time to time Cairo West Digital will run competitions, free prize draws and promotions on this website. These are subject to additional terms that will be made available at the time.

8. Materials Provided by Others

8.1. You agree that Cairo West Digital is not responsible, and shall have no liability to you, with respect to any information or materials posted by others, including defamatory, offensive or illicit material.

9. Indemnification

9.1. Cairo West Digital reserves the right, but undertakes no duty, to review, edit, move or delete any material posted by users in the Discussion Areas or elsewhere on the Website, in its sole discretion and without notice.

10. Editing and Deletions

10.1. Cairo West Digital reserves the right to post, from time to time, additional terms and conditions that apply to specific parts of the Website. Such additional terms and conditions will be posted in the relevant parts of the Website, and will be clearly identified. Your use of the Website constitutes your agreement to comply with these additional terms and conditions.


11. Additional Rules

11.1. You acknowledge that you are using the service at your own risk. The service is provided “as is,” and to the extent permitted by applicable law, Cairo West Digital, its affiliates and subsidiaries hereby expressly disclaim any and all warranties, express and implied, including but not limited to any warranties of accuracy, reliability, title, merchantability, non-infringement, fitness for a particular purpose or any other warranty, condition, guarantee or representation, whether oral, in writing or in electronic form, including but not limited to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained therein or provided by the service.

11.2. Cairo West Digital and its affiliates do not represent or warrant that access to the service will be uninterrupted or that there will be no failures, errors or omissions or loss of transmitted information, or that no viruses will be transmitted on the service.

11.3. Save for the provisions of the following clause Cairo West Digital, its affiliates and subsidiaries shall not be liable to you or any third parties for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or punitive damages allegedly sustained arising out of your access to or inability to access the service, including for viruses alleged to have been obtained from the service, your use of or reliance on the service or any of the information or materials available on the service, regardless of the type of claim or the nature of the cause of action, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

11.4. Cairo West Digital ‘s liability will not be limited in the case of death or personal injury directly caused by subsidiaries ‘s negligence.

12. Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability


13. Choice of Law and Jurisdiction

13.1. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Egyptian law. You also agree, subject to the following clause, to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Egyptian courts as regards any claim or matter arising under these terms and conditions.

13.2. For the exclusive benefit of Cairo West Digital Cairo West Digital shall retain the right to bring proceedings as to the substance of the matter in the courts of the country of your residence.

14. General

14.1. These terms and conditions are the complete and entire agreement between the parties and supersede any prior terms, conditions or agreements, whether written or oral.

14.2. If any of these terms and conditions is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect.

14.3. Failure of either party to exercise any right or remedy under this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy.


If you don’t agree to the foregoing terms and conditions, please exit the Website now.