Diwan’s 5 Books About Cinema and Filmmaking

When we think of cinema we forget the many fantastic books written by stars, from stars and about stars. Diwan Bookstore’s list is not short of anything that relates to the industry of filmmaking and even if you’re not a movie buff we guarantee that you’ll enjoy it. Books About Cinema

1. Greenlights

By Matthew McConaughey

Books About CinemaGreenlights is a short memoir in which Academy Award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey has written about some valuable insights and observations from his own life. Books About Cinema

If you want to learn a little bit of McConaughey`s life, family, experiences and approaches, then read this book. This book will also give a few interesting perspectives for certain life situations.

2. The Film Book: A Complete Guide to the World of Cinema

By Ronald Bergan

This ultimate movie guide profiles more than 100 of the most significant films ever made and brings cinema to life in true blockbuster fashion. Discover the behind-the-scenes stories from timeless classics like Citizen Kane and The Godfather, and take a front-row seat at lavish blockbusters like Star Wars or Titanic.

Each page of this film book takes you on a journey through the ever-changing landscape of cinema – from Hollywood to Bollywood and everything in between. It includes every film-making school from across the globe, behind-the-scenes shots, profiles of 100 influential directors, and lists more than 100 of the greatest movies ever made!

3. Making Film in Egypt: How Labor, Technology, and Mediation Shape the Industry

By Chihab El Khachab

Books About CinemaThe enormous influence of the Egyptian film industry on popular culture and the collective imagination across the Arab world is widely acknowledged, but little is known about its concrete workings behind the scenes. Books About Cinema

Making Film in Egypt provides a fascinating glimpse into the lived reality of commercial film production in today’s Cairo, with an emphasis on labor hierarchies, production practices, and the recent transition to digital technologies.

Drawing on in-depth interviews and participant observation among production workers, on-set technicians, and artistic crew members, Chihab El Khachab sets out to answer a simple question: how do filmmakers deal with the unpredictable future of their films? 

4. Shelf-Life: Chronicles of a Cairo Bookseller

By Nadia Wassef

The streets of Cairo make strange music. The echoing calls to prayer; the raging insults hurled between drivers; the steady crescendo of horns honking; the shouts of street vendors; the television sets and radios blaring from every sidewalk. Nadia Wassef knows this song by heart. Books About Cinema

5. Dream Factory on the Nile

By Pierre Sioufi

Books About CinemaEgyptian film lobby cards combined film poster art, still photographs from the set, and a credit list that usually included the production company, cast and crew, director, screenwriter, and music composer—excellent tools for the study of the history of cinema and highly desirable collectors’ items. Books About Cinema

Pierre Sioufi (1961–2018), iconic collector, artist, and revolutionary godfather to young activists who led the 2011 Egyptian uprising, amassed a vast quantity of cinema ephemera over the course of his lifetime. Dream Factory on the Nile presents a glimpse of his extensive collection of Egyptian film lobby cards spanning the growth, glory years, and decline of Egyptian cinema between the 1930s and 1990s.

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