Your October Stars


By Maeri Frances

After the hectic pace of September’s celestial events the first week of October may seem to drag a little. Don’t be deceived, this month has a few surprises in store! Mercury is still retrograde until the 9th of the month, consider this a good time to clear up outstanding matters, and do a bit of de-cluttering of both your home and workspace. Key dates this month fall on the 7th, when feisty Mars opposes Neptune, when a need for action can clash with idealism, and the 12th, when expansive Jupiter throws a lovely trine to Pluto. It’s about having the courage to embrace opportunities to make major transformations in your life, resist and face being left behind. This October has rewards for the brave, so grasp any chance to cast off outgrown attitudes, stagnant conditions and unhealthy lifestyles.

Don’t forget to check out your rising sign as well if you know it.


Our Birthday Sign


24 September – 23 October

Your patience should be rewarded when Mercury finally goes into direct motion on the 9th. You can hopefully kiss goodbye to the confusion that reigned, with tech glitches, missed appointments and general un-Libra-like clumsiness. There is a lovely New Moon in your sign on the 13th, helping you to make a fresh start in many ways. There is still a lot going on behind the scenes with planets keeping themselves busy in Virgo, your solar 12th house. Make good use of these by taking care of overdue health check-ups, you will need to be in top form to keep up with the excitement the next few months have in store.


21 March –20 April

Sometimes the month of October can mean you are pushed to take a back seat with planetary focus on others who play a strong role in your life. This October however, your sign ruler Mars has a lot of celestial interaction, meaning that your Aries qualities of directness, quick action and determination can be just what everyone needs. A key date for you falls on the 16th, when you can be a dynamic element on the work front, just don’t forget to be a good team player! Back this up with a strong action plan on the 18th and the world will be your oyster.


21 April –21 May

Is love in the air for single Taureans? It could well be the case, your solar 5th house of romance, hobbies and creativity is buzzing with the energy of planets cruising through Virgo. Don’t be too trusting on the 17th, but on the 23rd the situation should be clearer and you should know where you stand. The 25th should be a day to remember. On the down side, the recent Mercury Retrograde in your 6th house may have seen you unable to muster enthusiasm for tasks at work. However, as of the 9th you may be able to get your mojo back.


 22 May –21 June

A lot of this month will see your energies tied up with creative projects, children and matters related to your home and property. Finances crop up one way or another, maybe through joint projects or a need to raise some cash quickly. Don’t worry if things seem to have stalled out during the first week of October, the pace will pick up after the 9th. Proceed with caution on the 22nd and the 26th, your thought processes may be malfunctioning if you have allowed stress and lack of rest to get to you. Don’t rush into signing anything you may regret later.


22 June –22 July

Busy, busy, busy. That’s it in a nutshell for you this October. If it’s not actually about travelling to and fro, it may be mental processes and communication by phone and emails. You could be involved in writing, or something related to education. Helping with your kid’s homework, maybe? Days to kick back and recoup your energy could be the 17th (catch a movie) and the 25th, get together with your best buddies for a catch-up session. Domestic life is also to the fore, are you planning a spot of redecorating in the coming month or two? >>

23 July –22 August

It’s time to bite the bullet and get your finances back on track. Look at your spare time and see if you may be able to pick up a spot of part time work, where your expertise could be useful. There could be a windfall of sorts to get you out of a tight corner, luckiest days are around the 12th and 25th of the month. Energy levels are high on the 16th; you can make a lot of progress if you tackle a challenging project on that date. In general, any initiative you take this month to be more active should impact your health in a positive way, so get out and about.


23 August –23 September

Your birthday month may be gone for another year, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t a few goodies lined up for you. Jupiter is residing in your birth sign, bringing some opportunities, and unfortunately, a few additional kilos. Virgos trying to lose weight these days may be having an uphill battle, so watch out for added calories sneaking their way into your diet. If your birthday falls between the dates of 6th and 10th of Virgo you can look forward to some changes of a positive nature, with the 12th, 23rd and 25th being dates to watch out for.

Libra: See above


24 October –22 November

Last month’s mood continues. The road to success depends on you continuing what served you well in the past few weeks. Keep yourself at the forefront of the social and business whirl, communicate, be visible, and you can achieve miracles. There will be days when you could happily shut the world out and escape, so make the most of the weekend of the 16th and 17th. Mercury is in your solar 12th house, indicating a need to keep certain matters under wraps. Careless talk could undo a lot of the progress you have made. But hey, Scorpio is the best keeper of secrets in the zodiac!


23 November –21 December

It seems that career matters are paramount for you this month. Did last month’s wake-up call get you up and running? Saturn in your sign supports sincere efforts and hard work, and with so much help from planets in Virgo in your solar 10th house of progress in the world at large you shouldn’t miss a beat. Mercury is in your 11th house, meaning that networking can be useful, but a word of caution, don’t always go with people’s advice. Trust your own instincts and double check the facts to be sure. Enthusiasm is high on the 18th, but try not to be too pushy!


22 December –20 January

Along with your fellow earth signs, Taurus and Virgo, you can start to reap the benefits of Jupiter’s energy. Pursue your journey, whether it is along the lines of further education, or expanding your world view through travel. Your ruling planet, Saturn will take time to pass through your 12th house, you can use this transit positively by dredging up any issues that you haven’t been willing to confront. Tackle any feelings that affect your self-confidence, look at your many achievements and own them, head held high! Excellent days for most pursuits are 16th, 23rd and 25th.


21 January –19 February

Material matters may not be a priority for many Aquarians, but you could be in a position this month when you need someone’s help to get things back on track. Partnership and cooperation are keywords, and there can be some truly rewarding moments in store as October progresses. Best days are the 23rd and 25th. You may be feeling like a change from the old day-in day-out routine, with a hankering for pastures new. If travel is on the horizon try to steer clear of the 26th, there could be unforeseen glitches.


20 February –20 March

Where would you be without others in your life? The message is clear this month, when there is so much energy in your opposing sign Virgo. But opposing does not signify conflict in most cases, it reflects where you can find someone who can play a positive and supportive role in your life. Look to Virgo friends this October, and we are sure you have many. They will be your security blanket. They will be there with their not-always-welcome criticism, and their clear-sighted observations on your best path of action. Your most inspiring days are likely to be the 23rd and the 30th.

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