Your October Stars

Here’s a bit of fine tuning to help you to navigate the month ahead. If you know your rising sign we suggest that you read that as well to get extra insight.

By Maeri Frances (Consulting Astrologer)


The Big Picture

One way or another we are all in the same boat while the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto interact closely. They are setting the stage that our lives play out on. Recent months have seen Uranus in Aries squaring off against Pluto in Capricorn, and as these planets move slowly we still have to learn to adjust to the likelihood of sudden and unexpected events that destabilise things we had previously taken for granted. We may learn more about how technology is invading our personal space and privacy during this period.

Although a helpful Jupiter trine to Uranus which started in late September is still bringing a surge of optimism to many, don’t rush ahead with new projects while Mercury is in retrograde motion from the 4th to the 25th of October. This is a time to double check, plan and revise rather than put things into action. It wouldn’t hurt to do some maintenance on equipment and vehicles rather than have them break down, as can be the case in this Mercury phase. If you really must sign agreements and contracts this month, take extra care in reading the fine print and verifying the facts.


21 March –20 April

Uranus is still calling the shots in your sign, so don’t expect the ride to become any smoother in the near future. Your need for personal freedom and change may still be coming up against brick walls and authority figures. The earliest week of the month is most favourable for negotiating and getting someone on your side, even better if they are born under the sign of Leo. Take extra care in money matters             around mid-month.


21 April –21 May

Any efforts you have been making to improve your health, personal grooming and eating habits in the past month will start to pay off as October draws to a close. Expect a period of positive feedback and renewed interest from a spouse or potential one. If you think someone is trying to stir up trouble behind your back the best course of action may be to ignore it, just make sure your behaviour is above reproach first.


22 May –21 June

Mercury is your ruling planet, so when it goes into retrograde you can expect more than your usual share of mix-ups. As it backtracks through Libra you may find your love life on rewind, giving you a sense of déjà vu. Maybe you have been giving or receiving some mixed messages? Try to clear the air before things speed up again in the coming month. If you have kids they may be demanding of time and attention that you can barely spare. You may need to make adjustments to social commitments to                              balance responsibilities.


22 June –22 July

The total lunar eclipse on October the 8th will bring Uranus into the picture as well, meaning that you may feel as though you have unexpectedly got caught in crossfire intended for someone else. You could be called in to mediate in a tense situation. It will be important to take all points of view into account. This is a good month to tackle de-cluttering around the home, sort through old papers and recycle items that have             been unused.


23 July –22 August

Jupiter has now entered your birth sign, opening up new opportunities and injecting you with a renewed sense of joie de vivre. It could be tempting to throw yourself headlong into a project, but it is not the time yet to be signing contracts or finalising deals. Take extra care in any communication and transportation this month; there may also be computer or email glitches to contend with. A word of warning, the kilos may suddenly start piling on, watch out for those             hidden calories.


23 August –23 September

That pesky retrograde Mercury isn’t doing you any favors while it hangs around your solar 2nd house. This isn’t a time for major financial moves, you should really use the month to set a sensible budget and rein in any excess spending, as money due may be delayed in materializing. Planning could include looking for additional avenues of income, these may not materialise immediately but you can at least check out the situation. Expect an extra flurry of activity around the home front.


24 September – 23 October

It’s your birthday month so make sure you find time to party. Something you were expecting may not eventuate this month, so have a Plan B in place. Friendships will be your blessing this month, even if a close relationship gets a bit volatile your buddies will be there for you. You may be increasingly aware of the common thread that binds larger groups of society; some of your perceptions may be shifting. A new and slightly eccentric person in your life may have a bearing on this.


24 October –22 November

Saturn in your birth sign is asking you to show maturity and determination, even though you are facing added responsibilities and delays of some sort. If you handle things wisely there could be recognition coming on the career front. There may be some health concerns, so why not pop in for a check-up to stop needless worrying. Stress could be a factor. If there is romantic situation that you cannot be open about yet don’t worry, things should be easier in November.


23 November –21 December

Your ruling planet Jupiter is in harmonious aspect to your birth sign, supporting any plans for travel and higher education. Now that Mars has bounced into Sagittarius you should be ready for action, energy levels are high. You may even be feeling a bit reckless, so try to use it wisely, hit the gym rather than the bumper in front of you. Shared social activities are in high focus, and could absorb a lot of your time, but things should ease up in the following month.


22 December –20 January

With Pluto’s ponderous transit through your birth sign you may sometimes feel that you are just a tiny cog in a huge wheel. Efforts to stand out and get due recognition this month could be a little misjudged, so rather than throwing yourself into the limelight it could be more effective just to be diligent and refine your work methods. Ongoing juggling of domestic and career matters may test your flexibility beyond the limit this month, keep cool!


21 January –19 February

You may need to delay some travel plans for the moment, but later you will realise that this was for the best. Try to find other ways to defuse your restlessness and need for change, some virtual travel on the net might help. It is a good time to take up study of a new subject, anything that is a little offbeat or tech- oriented looks good. Unattached Aquarians may be meeting some interesting potential partners; relationships are well-aspected, so make hay while the sun shines!


20 February –20 March

In spite of your best efforts to streamline your work methods and boost your career, financial matters are still erratic. Just do your best this month, but don’t expect money owed to come in when expected. On the upside, your health should be robust, you may see great improvements related to any efforts you make to keep fit or diet. Single Pisces might find their love life could be a bit topsy-turvy, but it could be that you need to clarify what is best to keep as a friendship, and what hold’s romantic potential.

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