Your November Stars


The year may be winding down, but there is still plenty of action in store for the month ahead. If you know your rising sign we suggest that you read that as well to get extra insight.

By Maeri Frances

The Big Picture

October brought some important lessons to many of us, the focus was strongly on how we treat others in our lives, who and how we love and the ego versus the collective good. There is still plenty to ponder, and with Mercury still making up ground until the 10th of November, we can spend valuable time refining work in progress. From mid- November the mood will change; things may open up again thus allowing us to proceed with chasing our goals, but as Mercury will be spending the main part of the month in secretive Scorpio, you may need to play your cards close to your chest. The days around Full Moon on the 6th of November may bring out the more sensual side of your nature, tap into what brings you pleasure.

Mars and Pluto team up on the 11th of November in the sign of Capricorn, the combination often indicates a show of force from established authority , so moms and dads may feel a need to lay down the law around the house, the gloves will be off! A tough follow up aspect between Mars and Uranus on the 13th indicates that the dust will take a while to settle. Mixed into the picture we see a Venus conjunction with Saturn on the 12th, it is a time to face the music and be realistic in terms of our needs and desires. Things should ease up a bit by the 16th when we realise our dreams haven’t necessarily been ground into the dust, just bruised and shaken a little.

The remainder of the month is supportive for staying focused and implementing plans, so long as we stay clear-headed and are not swayed by wishful thinking around the 20th and 27th.



21 March –20 April

After adjusting to a few changes in October you may be looking for an easier ride through November.  A major purchase you had been dreaming of could be possible around the 6th, especially with a bit of help from a partner or someone you know. Aries still needs to be on guard though around the 11th of November, especially those born between the 2nd and 5th of April. Avoid locking horns with authority figures; your independent streak may put you in hot water by the 13th of the month.


21 April –21 May

Relationships look rosy around the 6th, so it may be worth planning some quality time with a loved one. Single Taureans may also find a prospective romantic attachment becoming more serious as the month passes.  By and large you are out of the line of fire from the main challenging aspects that the month has in store, unless of course you have any of the personal planets such as Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars around 12 degrees of the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn.


 22 May –21 June

The focus is strongly on taking care of health and streamlining your daily routines. Don’t push the boat out on major financial commitments, needed support may fall through or be refused. You may need to draw on your emotional resilience in the second week of the month, events could shake your equilibrium, but after the 10th when Mercury is firmly back on course you can get back on track. The latter part of the month holds romantic potential, but single Gemini babes should watch out for sweet-talkers!


22 June –22 July

Your sensitive nature is a bit vulnerable, especially in the second week of the month. You may be caught up in a direct confrontation, something that will have you putting up your barriers and withdrawing into your shell. In spite of this, matters to do with your social life, kids and hobbies are well-starred, so try to make the most of opportunities to mix and mingle. Travel plans that had been postponed may be become more feasible by month’s end.


23 July –22 August

This is a month when your natural urge to make the right impression may come to the fore.  There may be some issues to deal with on the health front, or concerns over a friend or family member. Keep your cool; tantrums will not help the situation. In spite of this, you may be in the mood for a spot of home entertaining, so get out the best silverware and polish the glasses if you are hosting a potential business contact.


23 August –23 September

Although there seems to be a lot going on around you it should be relatively easy to make the most of even the challenging aspects by using your energy constructively. There could be some trying moments with children or pets, and high risk sporting activities would best be avoided during the first half of the month. On the up side, the 6th of November could be great time to catch up with friends or family who have just got back into town.


24 September – 23 October

Financial matters loom large for you this November; you may need to outlay cash unexpectedly for something on the domestic front or a real estate project. Once you make it through the first two weeks you can chill a little more, and there could be good news on its way during the final days of the month. Use that period to keep in touch with friends and family, communication will be key to happiness and success.


24 October –22 November

It may take immense self -control to keep your formidable temper in check around the 11th, but Scorpio, we know that is your forte. Choose your words very wisely, you are in the spotlight. It would pay to take care on the road during that period as well. You will need to be at your most persuasive when it comes to getting your message across, there could be some damage repair needed after events that transpired in October. Lay on your powerful charm in bucket loads on the 6th.


23 November –21 December

Try to lay low this month, keep your plans to yourself until they are firmly in place. You may also face some emergency expenditure, try to have ready cash available. When Venus and the Sun enter your birth sign later in the month you may feel that life is taking a definite upturn, in spite of the rollercoaster ride you have been experiencing. The 27th is a day when love should be in the air, enjoy!


22 December –20 January

Sorry Capricorn, you are not off the hook yet.  If you were born between the 2nd and 5th of January you may find the second week of November stressful to say the least. The secret to success lies in tapping the immense energy at your disposal; it can be transformed into creating something positive, or become a destructive force that will wreak havoc, which might take time to repair. Follow the golden rule, think before you speak!


21 January –19 February

You stand to gain in career matters this month if you are prepared to sacrifice some of your much treasured home life. There are some turbulent forces at work behind the scenes, try to stay in the picture as they could affect you more than you thought. It’s not the best month for travel or moving around, and any elective surgical procedures could preferably be postponed.


20 February –20 March

Your thoughts may be drifting towards distant climes, so an off-season holiday may be on the cards. If so, it may be best to avoid this until after the 11th, and please choose your travelling companions wisely. It is a great period for undertaking a course of study, or at least upgrading your knowledge on a subject that interests you. You may discover new clarity in a subject that will help your career.

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