Your January Stars


A new year, a clean slate? Not in the real world, much as we might wish for it. Just a whole bundle of good times, some low days, with plenty of challenges and triumphs to whirl us through what should be an easier ride than in the past 12 months. Importantly, several major planets are going retrograde again, indicating a slowdown in issues ruled by the planet in question. This may give a sense of déjà vu, a need to re-visit concerns of 2015. The outer planets tend to have a larger impact on global circumstances and events, unless of course they form a connection with one of your personal planets. Then it means you need to go over past issues to look for work not yet finished.



Our Birthday Sign


22 December –20 January

This is your month, so let your hair down a little and party! If your birthday falls around the 23rd to 25th of December you could be busy at the beginning of the second week of January. There are still issues that you are not willing to confront, or bring into public view, the time may not seem right. If these are of a romantic nature, the last week of the month could present a good opportunity to open up. Try to cover as much ground as possible on the 14th and 15th.



21 March –20 April

Feisty Mars enters Scorpio as January kicks off, putting emphasis on shared finances and money owed. Heaven help anyone who hasn’t settled their dues, you will be on the warpath. At least the 13th through 16th should see you in a sweeter mood, you may feel more in the driver’s seat again. The days around the 22nd see you focusing on career progress, subtlety may not always be your strong suit, but it will come in handy here. News arrives on the 31st.


21 April –21 May

Luckily you don’t tend to lose your cool too often, but when you do it is a sight to behold. Expect a few confrontations as the month gets under way. Mars enters your 7th house of close relationships,  partnerships and conversely, people who oppose you in a direct way. Choose your battles wisely, draw on good aspects from the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto in fellow earth sign Capricorn this month, with lovely support from Jupiter in Virgo. They represent good advice and moral support from a knowledgeable and well-informed source, and also travel opportunities. When Venus enters Capricorn on the 23rd things can only improve.


 22 May –21 June

Mars stirs up 6th house energy, meaning there could be additional stress relating to work and responsibilities. This could rebound on your health, so if you feel peaky, load up on vitamins and get more rest. If you are short on ready cash you could use these days to explore your credit options, or even opening up  business with a friend to supplement your income. The 8th and 9th seem key dates for addressing important matters, but don’t count your chickens before they are hatched, Jupiter turns retrograde on the 8th, meaning you need to rely on solid planning as much as luck.


22 June –22 July

Relationships dominate your life this month. With a lot of energy working in your 7th house it is an auspicious time to discuss partnerships, either business or of a more personal type. The planets are supportive, and even Mars is helping you from water sign Scorpio. This brings an extra bit of spice to romance, and lets you find ways to let off steam in sport and creative activities. Capricorns may play a strong role in your life this month, spend time in their company to get an extra mood boost.


23 July –22 August

Where did that workload appear from so suddenly? Or was it quietly piling up while you were looking the other way? Inside those challenges are excellent opportunities to share ideas and develop closer bonds with colleagues and those you mix with on a daily basis. The positive vibe around the workplace doesn’t seem to extend to the home front. Things could be more hectic than you need, with the 5th being a day that might try your patience. Best days? The 13th, 14th and 15th should be great.



23 August –23 September

Fortunately this month’s planetary placements suit your practical nature down to the ground. Sensible Capricorn and wise Scorpio are in harmony with your energy, so with Jupiter still placed in your birth sign you should muster your confidence and sail forward for a good start to the year. Child-related matters and creative projects are highlighted, and you should be in the mood to speak up and air your views with passion. If romance is on your agenda you have all the planetary support you could wish for this January. The month winds up on a generally positive note for you.


24 September – 23 October

Home is where the heart is. Or so they say. Lovely Libra, it seems to be the case for you this January. The planets are focusing their energies on your domestic scene, family, neighbors and close relatives. It seems that you need to create some extra funds to cover added expenditures, just don’t stress about it!  Communication and short trips may seem a bit of a burden, but nonetheless unavoidable. Your best days could be the 11th to 13th, so long as you don’t tackle too much.


22 December –20 January

Action stations! Mars zooms into your birth sign, pumping up your energy levels. The key theme for you this January is movement, and communication. Expect to spend more time on the road, and meetings. It’s not a bad thing, it seems that it will open up opportunities to meet new people and make new friends. It could all be a bit of a drain on your wallet, so try to stick to some sort of a budget this month. Your best days are possibly around the 18th, share them with someone special.


23 November –21 December

Money makes your world go around this month. Maybe you get a raise, or an end of year bonus, one way or another your pockets seem well lined. Your career profile looks good, so efforts you have been putting in must have been recognised. There could be a bit of jealousy and back-biting to contend with, but your best course of action will be to ignore it. Whatever you have benefited from is well-deserved, so there is no need to apologise. Saturn’s presence in your sign in past months seems to have taught you valuable lessons.


21 January –19 February

You may be under public scrutiny this January, so don’t give too much free rein to your quirkier side, unless you can handle some flak.  Work matters may involve a battle of sorts to protect your corner, with whatever is going on behind the scenes being more important than what people pay lip service to. Secretly you may be happier knuckling down to work rather than doing the party circuit anyway. It just doesn’t seem to enthrall you this year.


20 February –20 March

Friends will mean more than ever this January. Concerns about someone at a distance may see you a bit stressed out, but by sharing your angst with your buddies you should feel a lot better. Even though it’s officially an extended party season for many, you may have had to focus on your career more than usual. Try and take a breather and spend some quality time with people you care about, then work will seem less of a burden.

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