Your February stars

It’s Valentine’s month! Like it or not, the focus for many is on significant relationships. Are you in one? Do you want one? Or like many of us, are you just plain confused about the whole business…

Let’s see how the month lines up for us romantically, and otherwise. It may be worth bearing in mind that Mercury is in retrograde until the 11th of February, creating his own brand of havoc. Watch out for misunderstandings, equipment malfunction and the occasional brain-freeze.




21 March –20 April

Something’s coming, something good… But Aries is not the most patient of zodiac signs, so how are you going to manage to battle through the first three weeks until both Venus and Mars cosy up in your sign? Special days are the 20th to 22nd, especially if your birthday falls around the 23rd of March. Romance is full on!


21 April –21 May

For singles a friendship may have been slowly blossoming into something more, behind the scenes. You may not be ready to let people know until you feel sure about things yourself. Slow and steady suits Taurus just fine, so don’t feel that you have to rush things. Again, the period from the 20th to 22nd is great for romance.


 22 May –21 June

Love pops up when and where you least expect it. So, make sure you give it a chance by being in the right place at the right time. Sports clubs are great venues for singles, or any other place where like-minded souls gather. The last week of the month sees the Moon putting you in the spotlight for a few days, look your best! Married Gemini’s could revive romance with a trip out of town.


22 June –22 July

This may not be a month when you feel that Cupid has you in his sights. Maybe you are in the mood for a little soul-searching and clarity regarding a key relationship. There may be an important event coming up later in the month, if you attend with your significant other the excitement should give your love life the boost it needs.


23 July –22 August

Unattached Leos have every chance of meeting someone special this month.  There is a definite exotic flavouraround, it could be someone from a distant location or culture.  Places of education seem to figure in the picture somehow. Make the most of the days around the 4th February, your mood should be upbeat.



23 August –23 September

Venus, the planet of love, cruises through your solar 7th house of partnerships for the first three weeks of February, so you should be making the most of it. Just take care on the 1st that your judgment isn’t clouded by wishful thinking. People will generally be open and receptive to you, so get out and interact. If you are already married or committed it is perfect opportunity to spend quality time together.


24 September – 23 October

Feeling battered and bruised from the ups and downs you have faced recently? Take heart, Mars and your ruling planet Venus are teaming up as the month winds down, bringing you a bonus in the form of a massive boost to your love life. Yes, someone cares about you very much! Married Libras will appreciate the warmth of family time, it is a good excuse to make a purchase you can all enjoy together at home.


24 October –22 November

Lucky you! This is a month when Scorpio can really feel the love. The first three weeks are super for enjoying the company of someone you care about, and for singles there are ample opportunities to meet Mr. or Ms. Right. Neptune and Venus intertwine to create an air of intrigue and illusion, romantic yes, but also deceptive. Proceed with caution!


23 November –21 December

Are you feeling it yet? That’s right, that taskmaster Saturn has started his journey through your birth-sign, meaning that the coming couple of years with be an important period for you. There may be added responsibilities, and a maturing process, but hey, February has good news as well. The final week of February sees Mars and Venus teaming up to bring some pizzazz to your love life! A new romance for some?


22 December –20 January

Family matters may be consuming a lot of your time, but you are good at putting on a brave face and getting on with things. So, while you may be finding it hard to find time for flitting around with social activities, married Capricorns can make home a haven and true love nest. The 26th is a day for both constructive action and relaxation, maybe wind up the evening with a good movie?


21 January –19 February

With Jupiter still nicely placed in your 7th house of key relationships you can hardly complain about lack of opportunities. It’s not just about romance, it is really about people valuing you and giving you positive feedback as well. It’s your birth month too, and the 1st and 2nd of February could hold some nice surprises for you. Finances could gradually improve, meaning you can spend a little more freely.


20 February –20 March

Oh, the vagaries of love. Emotionally sensitive Pisces is dealing with the transit of planetary ruler, nebulous Neptune. This means that you can be victim of illusion and delusion, wishful-thinking and self-deception. Or, on the up-side, ecstatic bliss. Venus will be playing around in the mix, so unattached Pisceans could be swept off their feet at any moment. Just don’t forget that all important background check.