September Horoscopes 2016


By Maeri Frances

Feeling refreshed after a long leisurely summer break? So let’s take a peek at what the planets have in store for the coming month. It gets off to an attention grabbing start, with a solar eclipse on the 1st. Accentuating an upcoming Saturn/Neptune square on the 10th, it could play upon our insecurities and concerns as we prepare ourselves for a return to routine. Yes, there may be unsettling events for the media to have a field day with, but the path will clear for a more pragmatic approach in the weeks to come. To add to the fun this month, Mercury will be retrograde until the 22nd. Tidy up old matters, and avoid new projects. Don’t forget to read your rising sign as well; it can have a strong bearing on your month ahead.

Birthday sign:


Sometimes a reality check is in order, just to make sure you are not chasing intangible dreams, or getting lost in a mire of delusion or denial. The beginning of this month is one of those periods. Your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde once again, so avoid launching anything new. If domestic life and your home environment seem to be lacklustre, remember that nothing works better than a good clean out so you can feel renewed and refreshed. This should act as a catalyst for improvements in a key relationship too. Jupiter will pass into Libra on the 9th, so reflect on the opportunities you have had over the past 12 months, and if you have utilised them well.


The planetary energies around the 1st may shake up your normal routine. Don’t be careless in issues that could affect your health, and take care with what you eat. By the end of the first week you can celebrate Jupiter’s entrance into your sector of close partnerships and marriage. This should see great opportunities for the singles out there to meet a suitable mate, and existing relationships should benefit as well. A note of caution, with Mercury retrograde in your sector of work, routine, and health don’t forget to take care of details.


Your mind and heart may still be drifting around in a distant locale, but let’s try a swift return to reality. The holiday period is over. Full stop! Time to get back to work. It’s true that the Mercury retrograde isn’t helping your romantic life, messages may be delayed or lost, misunderstandings can arise. Relationships perk up after the 23rd though. Overall, the coming 12 months could see you enjoying improved health, good connections with colleagues, and pleasure in carrying out your work.


So, who cares about a pesky Mercury retrograde messing up the domestic scene when Jupiter is set to shower abundant blessings on your 5th house of romance, creativity and hedonistic pleasures. After all, Jupiter will be around there for 12 months, and Mercury will be back on course after 3 weeks. Partnerships do seem complicated though, Saturn will be in your natal 7th house, delaying matters and creating obstacles. Don’t try to rush anything, that square to Neptune on the 10th may put a new spin on things.


You may be wishing you had two sets of hands and could be in two places at the same time. When you are not rushing around it seems that family and home are going to be consuming most of your energy. While Mercury spends three weeks in retrograde motion you should double check all arrangements, allow yourself time to get to meetings and check emails before pressing the send button. Equipment may malfunction, so back up important files. Jupiter’s entrance into your solar 4th house indicates a stronger focus on home matters. It’s a good time for buying or selling property during the coming 12 months.


The month starts with some financial news that could mean you need to adjust your plans to some extent. Sort out your budget, and don’t overlook the fine print. It could also mean you need to make more short distance travel during the months ahead. Communication in general will be important, so make sure you are in the loop, one way or another. The 23rd is an important day for many. Things may start to fall into place as Mercury goes back into direct motion, although the full impact may show a little later.


You are on the brink of what could be a momentous year ahead. Jupiter arrives in your birth sign on the 9th of September, bringing opportunities, a new confidence and a possibility of gaining a few kilos. You could put the latter down to a more relaxed attitude and general sense of wellbeing. The period around the 22nd and 23rd could be just what you need to get a taste of what the coming months have lined up for you. If your birthday is around those dates you may have extra reason to celebrate.


Keep yourself in the loop, but don’t let your plans depend too much on others this month. You natural ability to keep things under wraps until it is time for the big reveal will serve you well. By the time the last week of September rolls around you should have things pretty much lined up as you planned. Your ruling planet Pluto starts back in direct motion on the 26th, and although it may not have a direct personal impact it seems that outer circumstances may influence a lot of your decisions.


Those born in the first couple of days of December may feel the impact of September’s Saturn square to Neptune in their lives. Any delusions or illusions you had may be shattered, or you may feel let down by someone you trusted. Domestic matters seem to be a little complicated, try to keep home routine running as smoothly as possible. It may be near impossible to juggle career and home matters this month. Don’t let yourself be talked into any real estate deals during this period, it seems that all the facts are not on the table. On the upside, friends will be a great source of comfort and support.


If you feel as though you have been treading water at times in recent months, when circumstances seem to flow against you, the direct motion of Pluto later this month may help things make more sense. The planetary activity in no-nonsense Virgo suits your way of thinking, so even with a retrograde Mercury you are organized and efficient enough to stay ahead of the game. Jupiter’s passage into Libra on the 9th boosts your public persona, career matters should liven up considerably. Your social life could also amp up around the 23rd! Get ready to shine!


All that earthbound energy in Virgo has been a little dull for your taste, so you can get back into your zone a little more easily when Jupiter cruises into fellow air sign Libra. It’s true that the retrograde Mercury period may create havoc with your finances, unpaid bills may appear out of nowhere. At least by the time the last week rolls around you should be able to kick back and relax a little. Spice up your life by connecting with different cultures, either through travel, or meeting new people, or giving some time to a course of study.


If ever you needed reminding how important people are in your life, recent events should have brought the message home. This is a period when you can look at cementing bonds through finding ways to work with those closest to you, to create something rewarding. Business partnerships are well influenced for you as Jupiter enters your 8th house, so maybe it’s time to come up with some smart ideas? Put them into practise after the 23rd though, it is a day when a lot of dreams could come true.

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