In the Stars: Your January 2022 Horoscopes

Well, hello 2022! You have been a long time coming. Looking at the big stuff you have in store, we do feel rather upbeat and eager to get things under way.

Eclipses? Bring them on. Retrogrades? Yep, we know there are quite a few coming up. Planets entering new signs? That sounds fine by us. In short, Universe, after the past couple of years of turmoil and tribulations, we can embrace whatever you deliver.

By Maeri Frances

P.S. Don’t forget to read your rising sign as well if you know it.

January Birthdays: 2nd January – Cuba Gooding Jnr. (actor), 3rd January – Mel Gibson (actor), 5th January – Bradley Cooper (actor), 7th January – Nicolas Cage (actor), 10th January – Rod Stewart (musician), 13th January – Orlando Bloom (actor), 17th January – Jim Carrey (actor), 18th January – Kevin Costner (actor), 19th January –Dolly Parton (singer), 25th January – Alicia Keys (singer), 26th January – Ellen DeGeneres (TV personality), 29th January – Oprah Winfrey (writer, TV personality).

Happy birthday, Capricorn!

All that glitters is not gold. jan 2022 horoscopes

The first few days of the month open with vistas of amazing opportunities and good times ahead. Feel jubilant, and put some solid financial plans in place while you can. But, dear Capricorn, please keep your feet on the ground. Venus in your sign heralds good times, but being retrograde, she may not always deliver the goods. Avoid financial decisions, especially in the second half of January.

Aries: Career strides are possible.

Be on the ball around the 8th and 9th of the month, you will need to think fast and move even faster as opportunities could come flying from all directions. Consolidate your position in gains made, as they could disintegrate unless you have taken care of all the details. Try not to expect too much from friends, they may be tangled up in circumstances that need all their time and attention.

Taurus: Expand your knowledge base.

Use the first two months of January to set your career plans in action, as Mercury goes retrograde on the 14th and things may stall out a little. Use that time to go over what you have already done, refine it and define it. This is great month to learn more about a subject that interests you, or to communicate with people from a different culture. Make this a year in which you embrace new beginnings, change isn’t always a negative.

Gemini: Unshackle yourself, if you can.

Obligations and responsibilities are part of the big picture, and as a Gemini, you value freedom above most things. You may have dug yourself into a hole in the past year, financially, at least; so before you can spread your wings and fly freely again, you need to address the bottom line. The good news is, with Jupiter revisiting your career sector, work matters are due for a boost.

Cancer: Relationships…

If you can’t live with ‘em and can’t live without ‘em, then you need to sit down and have a serious talk with yourself. Planets in Capricorn over the past year have been playing with your head a bit when it comes to commitment, either in a business partnership or something more romantic. It should all become a bit easier now that Jupiter has waltzed back into your 9th house, harmonizing with your Sun sign and stopping you sweating the small stuff. jan 2022 horoscopes

Leo: Health and wealth.

It’s been a bit of a slog in health matters, with Capricorn planets dishing out stern messages over the past months. Give yourself a break from fretting and console yourself with Jupiter’s entry into Pisces. Long overdue debts may be repaid in the coming period, and joint investments may suddenly start to bear fruit. Do be cautious in close relationships from the 14th onwards. Something you say may be taken the wrong way, and it could take time to patch things up.

Virgo: Stop playing it cool and let people get a little closer.

Venus retrograde in your solar 5th house until the 29th of January may prompt you to look at what excites you, stirs your affections and captivates your heart. How do you spend your leisure moments? Now is the time to do a rethink, and pledge to be truly more productive and creative. With Jupiter in your relationship sector, it really is time you opened up to a bit more ‘togetherness’ as well.

Libra: Who said work couldn’t be fun?

While family and domestic matters may not deliver quite as much as you had hoped for, your health and work routine are both set to receive a boost from benevolent Jupiter. This is a great month to make resolutions and a commitment to a healthier lifestyle. Try not to let family responsibilities interfere with your career goals, stay focused and set a workable routine.

Scorpio: Give your brain a rest and relax a bit more.

This past year may see you ready to disengage a bit. A deluge of emails, messages and incessant communication may have worn you down. Turn off the computer and mobile when you find a chance, and allow yourself some creative playtime. Take up a hobby, learn an instrument, try a new sport, paint a masterpiece or two. In fact, anything that helps you tap into your sense of fun will do you the world of good. jan 2022 horoscopes

Sagittarius: Stick to a budget.

Money woes are still to the fore as you enter a new year. Some things just don’t change. Tough as it may be, try to reduce expenditure to match your income. That being said, family life looks to be entering a calmer and more enjoyable phase. There could be news about a move to a more comfortable home, or even a new member joining the family, making it an exciting month.

Aquarius: If it isn’t broken, don’t try to fix it!

Perfection is hard to attain, so why not relax into 2022 and put things that are bothering you on a back burner. You may not be feeling overly sociable, so don’t feel guilty about carving out some ‘me’ time to catch up on some well-earned rest. Then you will have the energy to tackle outstanding tasks. Watch out for Mercury retrograde after the 14th, keep your tech in good working order and check your car maintenance.

Pisces: Fair-weather friends?

Your good nature and kindness can make you a target for anyone who needs a shoulder to cry on, but hey, who is there when you could do with a little comforting and support. Get a little tough this January and think long and hard about who is really there for you, come rain, come snow. No need to feel cynical or depressed, this is more about sorting out the wheat from the chaff. At the end of the day you will see that there are plenty of people out there who adore you! jan 2022 horoscopes

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