In the Stars: Your February Horoscopes

By Maeri Frances

Who’s getting all the love this February? With every planet surging forward in direct motion, all signs should see obstacles dissolving. Don’t waste opportunities this month; you have all the support you need.
P.S. Don’t forget to read your rising sign as well if you know it.

February Birthdays:

1st February – Mohamed Henedi (actor), 2nd February – Shakira (singer), 7th February – Chris Rock (actor), Mahmoud
Hemeida (actor), 9th February – Tom Hiddleston (actor), 10th February – Chloe Grace Moretz (actress), 11th February –
Jennifer Aniston (actress), 12th February – Josh Brolin (actor), Christina Aguilera (singer).

Happy birthday, Aquarius!

February in a Nutshell: Keep it zipped!
zipped! Don’t blurt out everything that pops into your mind this month, it may just come back and bite you, especially around the 13th. Keep yourself calm and focused by ensuring you get away from the crowds whenever possible. Home life could be due for a shakeup, either a change of location, a change of faces, or a spot of redecorating.


February in a Nutshell: Aim high and keep your bags packed!

The travel bug may have got to you, but you will need to weigh up career priorities first. Things have been challenging recently, with goals needing more effort to reach. Social life should be lively as well, with the period from the 3rd to the 6th highlighted. Look for a healthy balance of activities.


February in a Nutshell: Change is in the air. Are you ready?
Getting a bit bored by the same old routine? Feeling restless? Then it’s time to see what you can do to refresh your life before the universe springs anything on you. Get a fresh look, drop outworn habits, try something new. Clinging to situations you have outgrown just to feel secure and comfortable will not work this time around.


February in a Nutshell: Manage your time and keep juggling.
You are a busy bee this month. Is it just your need for stimulation and variety that makes you pack your schedule to breaking point? A road trip may appeal, so try to squeeze that in as well. Singles should be on the lookout for interesting encounters as February gets underway.


February in a Nutshell: Relationship challenges, but work and health look great. Feeling claustrophobic? Tied down or locked in? It could be time to expand your social network, real time, not just online. Use any opportunity to meet new faces, especially people who could inject something new into your life. Explore ways to reach goals that you had put on hold.


February in a Nutshell: Flaunt your inner rebel.
Elegant, proud, dignified. Yes, that’s you. But somewhere inside there is a more quirky side that doesn’t always see the light of day. Now you must learn to embrace it without losing your famed integrity. Get in tune with a changing world where obsolete values are losing ground. You can still shine!


February in a Nutshell: Creativity plus organization can make you a winner.
You already have a formidable skillset in place, so just imagine what you could achieve if you dared to think outside of the box and give rein to some of your more ‘out there’ ideas. Recent months may have battered your confidence at times, but if you take a look at the big picture, you have used the challenges to make yourself bigger and stronger. Go for it!


February in a Nutshell: Shake up those outworn thought patterns.
Afraid to let loose and have a little fun? Stuck in a mental rut? It’s time to get up to date with a whole world of change in technology and communication. Explore the world, either digitally or physically, and find your own niche. You can bring your own special skills to the table.


February in a Nutshell: Go with the flow, but welcome the new.
The month doesn’t hold any major challenges, but unexpected news and short trips may break the routine, so be ready to change plans at the drop of a hat. This is good time to invest in a new phone or computer, if finances allow. Techie or not, you should get up to date to communicate more effectively.


February in a Nutshell: It’s time for a little romance.
OK, with Libra it is always time for romance. Valentine’s Day was created for people like you. This month could see someone special enter your life if you are single, and married couples should plan something different to make the 14th really special. That said, the whole month is promising, so enjoy!


February in a Nutshell: Luck is on your side, so don’t miss a trick.
Sharpen up your communication skills and tell it like it is. That has always been a strong point, for better or worse. Your frank approach should win hearts as well this February, so long as you keep the spirit of positivity and good will. Chance meetings or conversations could lead to greater things, don’t ignore details.


February in a Nutshell: Take a fresh approach in relationships.

Scorpio thrives on intrigue and a healthy dose of drama. That’s not to say you can’t be loyal and devoted, it’s just that a little bit of spice adds to the mix. If a relationship seems to be lacking, how can you get it back on track? Find ways to let your significant other have a bit of breathing space, and resist the need to be in control. Give it a try!