In the Stars: Your December 2021 Horoscopes

It’s time to say farewell to 2021, with a collective sigh of relief in many cases. The planets may have been giving some stern messages, especially when cases of corruption and abuse of power were exposed. Going forward, we can expect even more of a global clean-up, so have faith! December horoscopes

By Maeri Frances

P.S. Don’t forget to read your rising sign as well if you know it.

Happy Birthday, Sagittarius!

December focus: Put your foot on the gas.

There is a lot going on in your sign this month, with a total solar eclipse on the 4th to set the mood. You may have sensed something coming, but now you will need to deal with matters firsthand. Mars speeds things up as of the 13th, but the good news is that your confidence levels are boosted by the sun in your birth sign, so you should come out on top. Messages, visits, correspondence and communication all take a toll on you this month, so keep up to date to avoid any backlog.

Aries: Take time to relax and reflect.

Work matters have been a hard slog recently, and financial ups and downs haven’t lightened your mood. It should be time to get out and celebrate the festive season, but you probably feel more like crawling into a cozy place and hibernating for a while. Don’t force yourself into a sociable mood, it won’t convince anyone. Avoid going out on the evening of the 24th if possible, it may not meet your expectations.

Taurus: Things can only get better.

It may have been taking more effort than you anticipated to kick-start a new career direction, and coping with unwanted turns of events just isn’t your thing. Things will look up though when Jupiter cruises into your 11th house of friendships and shared goals. You may keep stumbling across like-minded souls who make you feel validated and appreciated. Embrace the unexpected, it isn’t always bad!

Gemini: December focus: Don’t get bitten by the travel bug!

While others have been grumbling about the state of the world and other matters, you have actually managed to crack on with things and have a reasonable good time these past months. The only fly in the ointment as far as you’re concerned could be your finances. Bills keep piling up and your credit line has been stretched to its limit. Career prospects should improve soon, so be patient. December horoscopes

Cancer: Put effort into relationships and mending bridges.

Try to fine-tune your work routines this month as the pressure is building up. Your health could be at risk if you let stress get the better of you. It is important to be sensitive to your relationships, both personal and on the work front. Fatigue can make you snappy and self-protective, so do try to eat well and get that eight hours sleep every night. Things brighten after the 24th.

Leo: Progress in work, but still time for fun!

If work matters had been more trouble than they were worth, the burden may lighten as things open up and ideas start to flow. Burn off nervous energy with physical activity, Mars is bouncing into your solar 5th house this month, highlighting hobbies, sports and creativity. Kids in the household could be high energy and a rather a handful, so maybe you need to be extra patient.

Virgo: Be it ever so hectic, there is no place like home.

Mars romps into your domestic sector, meaning you should be ready for a surge in activity around the house. Make sure it has been accident-proofed, carelessness could lead to mishaps. You still need to pour maximum effort into work and routine matters, as time to kick back and have fun is in short supply. Try to catch up with friends and relax whenever the opportunity crops up. It is the festive season after all! December horoscopes

Libra: Things start to speed up, buckle your seatbelt!

Your ruling planet, Venus, goes retrograde on the 19th, so try to wind up important matters before then. This applies to property matters and domestic and family issues in particular. You may be busy with visits, appointments and an overload of phone calls and emails this month. Try to manage your time as things could easily slip out of control. There are still good times to be had, so don’t turn down invitations.

Scorpio: Show me the money!

If life has been all effort for little reward in recent months, things should see an improvement after mid-month. Finances get a boost, but you will need to put in some hard work to benefit. Expenses may rocket as well, but put that down to making the most of the festive season. You are on the brink of a wonderful period that should see a boost in creativity, love and possibly even a new addition to the family. December horoscopes

Capricorn: Don’t push your luck.

You have had a lot on your plate to handle this year, with taskmaster Saturn trundling his way through your birth sign. Luckily, with benevolent Jupiter transiting your second house you have been able to make ends meet, in spite of the odds. Now, on the 19th of December, Venus will turn retrograde in your sign, meaning that you shouldn’t bank on that lucky streak too much. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched!

Aquarius: Consolidate recent achievements.

You have been protected somehow over the past 12 months, but if you really want to make the most of ground recently covered, you need to slip out of cruise control and get down to some hard graft. The coming year or so will challenge you in many ways, but the rewards could be great for anyone who can stay the distance. This month will test your friendships, sorting out the people who share your goals and vision from mere hangers-on. December horoscopes

Pisces: Let the good times roll!

The past months have been a bit of a steep learning curve for many Pisces. This month may see some seismic shifts in relationships and groups you hang out with. You have a wealth of opportunities ahead, but first, you need to cut any deadwood out of your life. This is a time when nothing should come between you and the full expression of your potential. Take it easy on Christmas Eve, be selective in the company you keep.

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